Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 186 – June 20, 2014

Named Light FieldAs Solstice approaches, in the southern hemisphere we breathe in the shortest day while in the northern hemisphere we breathe out the longest day. Can you feel Gaia breathing in rhythm with light waves? Can you feel the earth of your being breathing in the waves of light? May we all shine on reflecting the radiant light of our multiverse…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 181 – June 15, 2014

Named Whale Watching 2014 006 Hug Point Contemplation++

After so many lovely days of traveling outside the Blissness Blue Moon Lodge, it is so necessary to be inside and recharge batteries, to enter this cave and journey into the tiny space of the heart re-membering that letting go is to let flow and re-claiming the once dammed river free once again to flow naturally along a more spacious path, an ever expanding fluid waterway deeper and deeper into our one heart’s illumination…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 171 – June 5, 2014

One of my favorite SHERO practices is the H one, the Heart breathing, it is the very heart of the Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage and to each of our journeys. I am devoted to coming home to the heart through breathing, to opening to the miracle flow. Breathing deeply through our one heart is the panacea to awaken us to the love we are… Woo Hoo! What a journey we’re on and this moment is one of celebration… We are facing our shadows with compassion and with gentle strength taking down the dams to restore river’s natural currents… Blowing big kisses!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 157 – May 22, 2014

Named Dream Cave Heartthe journey today takes me to Stillness, a place, a sacred space where i love to sojourn especially during the ebb tides when life goes dormant and slowing down, grounding deeply into dark earth is the way through… holding the tension and embracing the pause ensures seeing the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel… do you see feel taste hear touch the radiance?  breathe deeply through our one heart and you are there for ever…