Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 239 – 8/12/2023

this day seems to frequently hold a powerful apocalyptic, revealing vibration – nine years ago, it was to awaken and hear of robin’s death (robin williams) that everyperson who so generously shared his humanity/divinity and opened our heats to where we didn’t know our heart was closed; six years ago i’m home for a family wedding and awaken to helicopters flying above learning later they were searching for the murderer of Heather, the young woman mowed down as charlottesville exploded, the young woman who stood for justice, equality, fairness and compassion and every august 12th is world elephant day, elephants play a unique role in natural ecosystems by spreading tree seeds far and wide, contributing to the diversity and well-being of forests with scientists estimating that if forest elephants disappear, the african rainforest will lose 7 percent of its carbon storage ability — stripping our planet of a critical tool as we work to stop climate destruction…

so, this moment and every moment is perfect for calling in the ancient wisdom from elephant spirit and sourcing the divine… simply breathe in earth mother’s love and feel it circulating and humming through every wild cell to the frequency of thanks be thanks be thanks…

radiate the love out to father sky and to all our relations in need of connection, in need of protection, in need of true refuge, belonging space…

re-member these gentle giants today, every day, every moment, this moment, and for all our relations in peril, take a stand for love by saying yes to safeguarding the endangered, the frail, the young… all for one…

listening, listening in a ever deeper way to the council of luminous beings always hear/here for us and encouraging our embarking on the journey into inner space of opening the heart ever wider to love deeply, forgive sincerely and dare greatly…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 239 – 8/12/2021

this day seems to frequently hold a powerful apocalyptic, revealing vibration – seven years ago, it was to awaken and hear of robin’s death (robin williams) that everyperson who so generously shared his humanity/divinity and opened our heats to where we didn’t know our heart was closed; four years ago i’m home for a family wedding and awaken to helicopters flying above learning later they were searching for the murderer of Heather, the young woman mowed down as charlottesville exploded, the young woman who stood for justice, equality, fairness and compassion and every august 12th is world elephant day, elephants play a unique role in natural ecosystems by spreading tree seeds far and wide, contributing to the diversity and well-being of forests with scientists estimating that if forest elephants disappear, the african rainforest will lose 7 percent of its carbon storage ability — stripping our planet of a critical tool as we work to stop climate destruction which makes the recent announcement that African savanna elephants are now endangered and African forest elephants are critically endangeredbig wake-up call with our being closer than ever to losing these sensitive, intelligent and beautiful creatures…

so, this moment and every moment is perfect for calling in the ancient wisdom from elephant spirit and the protection and blessing from the ancestors to source the divine… simply breathe in earth mother’s love and feel it circulating and humming through every wild cell to the frequency of thanks be thanks be thanks…

radiate the love out to father sky and to all our relations in need of connection, in need of protection, in need of true refuge, belonging space…

re-member these gentle giants today, every day, every moment, this moment, and for all our relations in peril, take a stand for love by saying yes to safeguarding the endangered, the frail, the young… all for one…

listening, listening in a ever deeper way to the council of luminous beings always hear/here for us and encouraging our embarking on the journey into inner space of opening the heart ever wider to love deeply, forgive sincerely and dare greatly…

let’s close our sacred ceremony with the Essene Communion for Friday dedicating ourselves to living in the unity of our interbeing… 

THE DEEPENING: In the gentle breeze of the forests and in the winds of the fields, thou shalt find the Angel of Air. Breath long and deeply, for the rhythm of thy breath is the key of knowledge which will unlock the secrets of the Holy Law.

MORNING COMMUNION: Angel of AIR, I invoke thee; for no man may come before the face of God whom the Angel of Air hath not passed. For thy body must breath the air of the Earthly Mother before thy spirit may breath the Holy Law of the Heavenly Father. And as each morning comes, I shall embrace thee.

MEDITATION: This morning brings a different breeze. The winds of inner change and reflection. These winds blow strong as I unfurl my sails and set a course for yet another journey. May the wind be my guide, and the calmness of the truth lead my way.

As thou movest the air with thy breath, movest thy body with thy soul. Eat of the blessed fruits from the Earthly Mother, and walk in the light of the Holy Law; for he who hath found peace with the body, hath built a holy temple wherein may forever dwell the spirit of God.

EVENING COMMUNION: The HEAVENLY FATHER and I are One; Thou hast made known unto me the deepest of mysteries. By thy fourteen fruits of the Tree of Life thou hast directed my heart, and guided my steps, that I may walk in your presence and dwell eternally in the essence of the divine.

THE BLESSING: What is man, that thou art be so mindful of he? Thou hast made a covenant with the Children of Light, and thou hast given unto all the Holy Law. To some it has been lost, and to some it is forgotten. But to some it is lived, and those whom walk with thy Holy Angels shall dwell forever in the kingdoms of God.

Hear me, Sons of Light, for I will impart to you the gift of tongues, that by speaking to your Earthly Mother in the morning, and to your Heavenly Father in the evening, you may go closer and closer to oneness with the kingdoms of earth and heaven, that oneness for which the Son of Man is destined from the beginning of the times.
~Essene Gospel of Peace

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 240 – 8/12/2020

this day seems to frequently hold a powerful apocalyptic, revealing vibration – six years ago, it was to awaken and hear of robin’s death (robin williams) that everyperson who so generously shared his humanity/divinity and opened our heats to where we didn’t know our heart was closed; three years ago i’m home for a family wedding and awaken to helicopters flying above learning later they were searching for the murderer of Heather, the young woman mowed down as charlottesville exploded, the young woman who stood for justice, equality, fairness and compassion and every august 12th is world elephant day, elephants play a unique role in natural ecosystems by spreading tree seeds far and wide, contributing to the diversity and well-being of forests with scientists estimating that if forest elephants disappear, the african rainforest will lose 7 percent of its carbon storage ability — stripping our planet of a critical tool as we work to stop climate destruction…

so, this moment and every moment is perfect for calling in the ancient wisdom from elephant spirit and sourcing the divine… simply breathe in earth mother’s love and feel it circulating and humming through every wild cell to the frequency of thanks be thanks be thanks…

radiate the love out to father sky and to all our relations in need of connection, in need of protection, in need of true refuge, belonging space…

re-member these gentle giants today, every day, every moment, this moment, and for all our relations in peril, take a stand for love by saying yes to safeguarding the endangered, the frail, the young… all for one…

listening, listening in a evr deeper way to the council of luminous beings always hear/here for us and encouraging our embarking on the journey into inner space of opening the heart ever wider to love deeply, forgive sincerely and dare greatly…