Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 218 – 7/22/2023

“A flower unfolds to the best of its ability due to the conditions around it. And so do you – you unfold to the best of your ability” – Kuan Yin

“Close your eyes and follow your breath
to the still place that leads
to the invisible path
that leads you home.”

~ St. Theresa of Avila~

today is the eve of beginning a week of celebrating a new turn around the sun re-creation manifestival and it is the feast day for mary magdalene and i’ll attempt to weave these two together…


she who hears the cries of the world,

who softens her heart turning towards pain

who affirms life and lives in love

opens the path of transformation and liberation…


today, we celebrate Mary of Magdala as a human relative and as archetypal energy synonymous with the Way of Love, the Way of the Rose, an embodiment of compassion which is said to manifest wherever beings need help and especially at moments of great turning of epochs when this sacred feminine energy is so sorely needed … on this her feast day, we celebrate her as the apostle of apostles, the core teacher of her beloved Yeshua, the magi who awakens the inner light body…

how can we respond to the suffering that is woven into the very fabric of life? how can we discover a heart that is truly liberated from fear, anger, and alienation? is there a way to discover a depth of wisdom and compassion that can genuinely make a difference in this confused and destructive world?

throughout this week, i’ll spend many moments in Sit – Stay – Heel pose breathing into the core, the stillpoint to ask the body and breathe the answers locked in the cells like lost chords…

what are you wanting to bring into manifestation in your life?
what is your greatest desire/inspiration/vision?
what is the obstacle to your desire manifesting or inspiration/vision materializing needing to transform into invitation?
what are you willing to let go of to open up to your destiny more?

in this moment of eternity, let us gather together to conspire, to breathe together and inspire, breathe in to see what is real as a vessel of love, to see through the eyes of heart, through innersense… let us gather to re-member and be the presence of the magdalene who calls us into spiritual maturity, maturescence, to the fullest expression of ourselves, our true selves…

let’s reach out our hands to each other feeling the love deepening as it is passed from one hand to another to another… with a SMILE to start my internal love engine, begin to inspire and as we breathe in feeling the connection with all our relatives expanding with the movement of breath, of wind, of animating spirt breathing us as one body temple…giving thanks with every breath, bring awareness to our wombspace, sacred space of creativity noticing what is present… now, imagine a fully opened rose with each petal connected to the next spiraling into one another moving down, down, down into a rose-colored space of luminous illumination and ask the magi, the magdalene to envelop us in this light, to shower us with unconditional love… she comes closer clean-sing us with frankincense and myrrh and we re-member who we truly are as all illusion is released and transformed… eyes to eyes, heat to heart, wombspace to wombspace with the magdalene, the exalted, who anoints us blessing us with the capacity for unconditional love reminding us that all is one and all there is is love… as we near a close, drink in the red wine of the sacred feminine receiving it into every wild cell feeling the oneness of the all that is as seen through divine union, the marriage of the soular and lunar, the great work of sacred feminine energy… offering immense gratitude, we are gifted with the way of the rose, the way of love, the way of the awakened heart… blessed bee…

while, the flow of impermanence and uncertainty can be daunting for our protective selves who want to keep us safe, thanks be that in our core in this moment with this breath we are able to tune into our essence… boundless love…