Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 219 – 7/23/2022

wherever you go, go with all your heart…

~ Confucius ~


in honor of this rainbow rebirth moment of eternity, i’m proclaiming the coming week as Happy Turn Around the Sun Re-Creation ManiFestival Week and will spend many moments in Sit – Stay – Heel pose breathing into the core, the stillpoint to ask the body and breathe the answers locked in the cells like lost chords…

“Close your eyes and follow your breath
to the still place that leads
to the invisible path
that leads you home.”

~ St. Theresa of Avila~

ahhh… this first day of the Turn Around the Sun Re-Creation Manifestival birth celebration is one flowing moment in the field of the beloved seeing, feeling and being awash in love everywhere… in friends’ expressions, in strangers’ conversations, in flies buzzing around picnics, in long lines where patience reigns, in distressed children crying out in frustration, in jubilant children of all ages restored by the sound  and the feel of water and wind, in puppies frolicking with the waves, in a perfect wind inspiriting the river of life… every moment of presence, a birth of love… all our light wave relations coming home to the other shore breathing in the rhythm of the river of joy below the river while always being love…

dancing with grand children today

seeing the world in a different way

through their eyes of inner sense wonder

every moment awash in splendor

walking a path of devocean, going with our whole heart, asks us to be present in every moment trusting that all is divinely woven together seamlessly and calls us to surrender to or merge with the divine web of life which is both rooted in the river below the river and winging it across the sky above in free flight… showing up wholeheartedly is a smile on your face, is the sun lighting up the world, is a wave rushing home to shore, is the wind whispering through the trees and you chanting a litany of thank you, thank you, thank you…

and, i want to take this moment and every moment to thank you, thank you, thank you for walking home with me along the rainbow trailless trail, the peace pilgrimage pathless path sowing seeds of bliss and returning home with every breath dedicated to the kingdom of joy, love and peace vowing to live this moment, every moment in this sacred space, the ultimate rebellion for these times…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 219 – 7/23/2021

in honor of this full moon/lunar lughnasadh, this high holy day, this new seven year cycle, this new decade i’m sharing a selfie and proclaiming the coming week as Happy Turn Around the Sun Re-Creation ManiFestival Week and will spend many moments in Sit – Stay – Heel pose breathing into the core, the stillpoint to ask the body temple quest ions and breathe out the answers locked in the cells like lost chords… this full moon of blessing celebrating the abundance of the first harvest also carries an energy of death as days in the northern hemisphere begin to wane and as they wane, i feel this energy deep inside…

she who hears the cries of the world,

who softens her heart turning towards pain

who affirms life and lives in love

opens the path of transformation and liberation…

how can we respond to the suffering that is woven into the very fabric of life? how can we real-eyes a heart that is truly liberated from fear, anger, and alienation? is there a way to sync into a depth of wisdom and compassion that genuinely makes a difference in this confounding and collapsing world?

while, the flow of impermanence and uncertainty can be daunting for our protective selves who want to keep us safe, thanks be that in our core in this moment with this breath we are able to tune into our essence of boundless love…

what abundance are you celebrating?
what is present in the harvest that you are grateful for?
what do you need to die to, to release to materialize transformation and liberation?
where are you willing to slow down and let go to open to the organic flow and unfolding of your sou’s destiny even more?

i want to walk my talk and take this moment and every moment to thank you, thank you, thank you for walking home with me along the rainbow trailless trail, the peace pilgrimage pathless path sowing seeds of bliss and returning home with every breath dedicated to the kingdom of joy, love and peace vowing to live this moment, every moment in this sacred space, the ultimate rebellion for these times…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 220 – 7/24/2019

Named Joyous 24 Re-Creation Manifestival Dolphin Offering Flowers++

“If you are seeking, seek us with joy
For we live in the kingdom of joy.
Do not give your heart to anything else
But to the love of those who are clear joy,
Do not stray into the neighborhood of despair.
For there are hopes: they are real, they exist –
Do not go in the direction of darkness –
I tell you: suns exist.”

~Rumi ~


wherever you go, go with all your heart…

~ Confucius ~


today’s continuation of the fullest ever birth/re-birth celebration – welcome back home, heart that soars sowing seeds of bliss – expands and deepens into the annual Happy Turn Around the Sun Re-Creation ManiFestival Week where i spend many moments in Sit – Stay – Heel pose breathing into the core, the stillpoint to listen for deep body wisdom and breathe in the answers into all the wild cells activating them as dancing blue stars  to be breathed out into the vast skysea…


heart that soars sowing seeds of bliss returns home with every breath dedicated to the kingdom of joy, love and peace vowing to live this moment, every moment in this sacred space, the ultimate rebellion for these times… thank you for joining me on the caravan of re-joy-sing that’s guided by love to co-create a world of peace….


“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that its center is really everywhere, it is within each of us…

~ Black Elk ~


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 218 – 7/22/2017

Named Jubilee July 22 Re-Creation Manifestival Dolphin Offering Flowers++

doo doo doo doo… welcome to the twilight zone…  we’re three hours away from the first new moon in leo ushering in a wild lunar ride including a full moon lunar eclipse in two weeks on August 7, the 30th anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence on August 17 and the stellar second new moon and once in a lifetime soular eclipse on August 21st… what a moon (month) to reclaim our heart’s power to transform everything to love…

in honor of this new moon, this new cycle, i’m proclaiming the coming week as Happy Turn Around the Sun Re-Creation ManiFestival Week and will spend many moments in Sit – Stay – Heel pose breathing into the core, the stillpoint to ask the body and breathe the answers locked in the cells like lost chords…

 What are you wanting to bring into manifestation in your life?
What is your greatest desire/inspiration/vision?
What is the obstacle to your desire manifesting or inspiration/vision materializing needing to transform into invitation?
What are you willing to let go of to open up to your destiny more?

the flow of impermanence can be daunting for our protective selves who want to keep us safe…

thanks be that in our core in this moment with this breath we are able to tune into our essence… boundless love…