Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 226 – 7/30/2021

“wherever you go, go with all your heart…”

~ Confucius ~


walking a path of devocean, going with our whole heart, asks us to be present in every moment trusting that all is divinely woven together seamlessly and calls us to surrender to or merge with the divine web of life which is both rooted in the river below the river and winging across the sky above in free flight… showing up wholeheartedly is a smile on your face, is the sun lighting up the world, is a wave rushing home to shore, is the wind whispering through the trees and our chanting a litany of thank you, thank you, thank you…

can you hear the chords of hallelujah flowing in the background and foreground as one by one we awaken to the astonishing wonder of being no matter how turbulent the waves of the outer world?

as this moonth of joyvolution nears coming to a close, thousandfold thanks for sharing this journey along the buen camino, the pathless path, for coming home to our one heart flowing in rhythm with mystery, dancing and singing in harmony and shining the light of divine love so brightly…

in this field of love may we forever walk
all day long may we walk
through the turnings may
we walk
on the path of pollen
may we walk
with love in our one heart may we walk
with  love before us may we walk
with love behind us may we walk
with love above us may we walk
with love all around us may we
wandering on a trail of
love, may we walk
beginning in love
deepening in love…

let’s close our sacred ceremony with the Essene Communion for Saturday whose purpose is for us to cultivate the unitive field of quantum possibility, the akashic ocean of all being…

THE DEEPENING: Fasting is the first principle. Fast from negative thoughts, words and deeds. Fast from ego, pride and desire. Fast from all physical ills and Ye shall behold the strength and the wisdom of the spirit.

MORNING COMMUNION: The EARTHLY MOTHER and I are one. Blessed is the child who knoweth the Earthy Mother, for she is the provider and the sustainer of life. Her harvest becomes thy body, her waters become thy blood, her winds will carry thy spirit, and as each morning comes, I shall embrace her.

MEDITATION: The richness of the Mother’s garden surrounds us. The forces of nature toil unendingly for the benefit of all. For this we are blessed. The kingdom which guides and nurtures the plants and the forests is yet another manifestation of the Mother’s love for us, and we within this kingdom must return her blessings with respect, with caring, and with love.

Ye that love thy Heavenly Father do Ye then his bidding; Walk Ye with his Holy Angels and you shall find peace within his Holy Law.

EVENING COMMUNION: Angel of ETERNAL LIFE I invoke thee; descend upon my soul and bless my spirit with the splendor and the knowledge of eternal life. And as each evening comes, I shall embrace thee. 

THE BLESSING: The food upon my table shares its life with me. And as this life nourishes my body, one day my body shall nourish this earth. And until that time shall pass, I shall return her blessings with kindness, with respect, and with my love.

Verily I say unto you, if in the daytime the Earthly Mother holds you in her arms, and in the night the Heavenly Father breathes his kiss upon you, then will the Sons of Men become the Sons of God. ~Gospel of Peace of Jesus Christ