Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 127 Days – 4/22/2017

Named Awakened April 22 Earth Allegiance Pledge

earth day 2017… forty-seven years of our consciously walking the green path… in this moment, this beautiful moment, i’m re-membering the first one in 1970 and feeling the passion and excitement of that day right here, right now… i turn to another Berry today on this day of praising the earth, another eco poet, environmental activist and sacred sage of farsightedness to walk with us home along the green path into beloved community…

may we live the dream of the earth…

Evening Thoughts: Reflecting on Earth As Sacred Community

“It takes a universe to bring humans into being, a universe to educate humans, a universe to fulfill the human mode of being. More immediately, it takes a solar system and a planet Earth to shape, educate, and fulfill the human.

We can explain nothing if we cannot explain the whole. Our explanation of any part of the universe is integral to our understanding of the universe itself.

…we must think about and respond to the urgency of a renewal of the integral community of life systems throughout the Earth. Renewal is a community project.

What is needed is a new pattern of rapport with the planet. Here we come to the critical transformation needed in the emotional, aesthetic, spiritual, and religious orders of life. Only a change that profound in human consciousness can remedy the deep cultural pathology manifest in such destructive behavior. Such change is not possible, however, so long as we fail to appreciate the planet that provides us with a world abundant in the volume and variety of food for our nourishment, a world exquisite in supplying beauty of form, sweetness of taste, delicate fragrances for our enjoyment, and exciting challenges for us to overcome with skill and action. The poets and artists can help restore this sense of rapport with the natural world. It is this renewed sense of reciprocity with nature, in all of its complexity and remarkable beauty, that can help provide the psychic and spiritual energies necessary for the work ahead.

We come into being in and through the Earth. Simply put, we are Earthlings. The Earth is our origin, our nourishment, our educator, our healer, our fulfillment. At its core, even our spirituality is Earth derived. The human and the Earth are totally implicated, each in the other. If there is no spirituality in the Earth, then there is no spirituality in ourselves.

We need a spirituality that emerges our of a reality deeper than ourselves, a spirituality that is as deep as the Earth process itself, a spirituality born out of the solar system and even out of the heavens beyond the solar system. For it is in the stars that the primordial elements take shape in both their physical and psychic aspects. Out of these elements the solar system and Earth took shape, and out of Earth, ourselves.

In our contemplation of how tragic moments of disintegration over the course of the centuries were followed by immensely creative moments of renewal, we receive our great hope for the future. To initiate and guide this next creative moment of the story of the Earth is the Great Work of the religions of the world as we move on into the future.”

Thomas Berry

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 128 – 4/22/2016

Named Appreciation April 22 Earth Day

Happy Love Our Mother Earth Day!

what a perfect way to spend earth day…. with young haiku poets in a zen garden like that on the island of the rising sun…. a sacred space rendering the effusive seven year olds speechless as the serenity of the garden enters their wild cells so deeply… i re-member the very first “earth day” forty-six years ago as if it happened yesterday and what a delight to hear what it means today to our earth children… these young souls born into sustainability, realizing the preciousness of water and fresh air, appreciating all our relations and the importance of working together to honor our island home… yes, perfect way to spend earth day, everyday…

i’d love your joining me in this moment in a meditation to invoke the spirit of our earth mother into our one body… sit easy with a straight spine and a light neck and begin breathing in deeply and comfortably… raise your arms up 60 degrees from horizontal, elbows and wrists straight… stretch your body forward slightly with the angle of the palms following the angle of the arms and the fingers are straight and together, thumbs relaxed… imagine a flame in the center of your being and continue to breathe deeply dropping deeper and deeper into the core…

in closing, inhale deeply with a prayer for peace and our earth mother creatrix.. hold for 15 seconds, exhale, inhale deeply feeling in your heart the blessing of the divine mother… hold for 15 seconds, exhale, inhale deeply feeling the taste of the sweetness of life… hold for 15 seconds, exhale radiating deeply our mother’s love…