Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 140 Days – 5/5/2017

Named Miraculous May 5 Rumi Luminosity Whalewatching 2017 001

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

~Albert Einstein ~

140 Days on the Rainbow Trail and this one like the other 139 is filled to overflowing with miracle moments of luminosity everywhere i look, in every sound i hear and so i am closing this day as i opened it with Hallelujah….

and here is my very favorite version which opens the heart to the miracle frequency…   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYiMJ2bC65A

may listening to this genius frequency break open all our bottles and let the genies out to restore wasteland into fertile plane again…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 282 – September 24, 2014

Named Blessingway 24 Hallelujah Rainbow Good Life


Everyone should be born into this world happy
and loving everything.
But in truth it rarely works that way.
For myself, I have spent my life clamoring toward it.
Halleluiah, anyway I’m not where I started!

And have you too been trudging like that, sometimes
almost forgetting how wondrous the world is
and how miraculously kind some people can be?
And have you too decided that probably nothing important
is ever easy?
Not, say, for the first sixty years.

Halleluiah, I’m sixty now, and even a little more,
and some days I feel I have wings.

~ Mary Oliver ~