on this special ides of April, i awaken to the dawning of a new world following the previous day’s surgery to restore vision in my injured eye…. i break doctor’s orders and look at myself in the mirror – no scarier than usual and the pain is tolerable while the physical vision is blurry and that’s to be expected… anyway, today seems a perfect day to bring out this favorite picture of a Rainbow WOW (Wise Old Woman) as this 15th day of Appreciation April sings with blessings amplified by re-membering five years ago a visit to the ER got me admitted to the hospital which didn’t seem a blessing at the time and turned into quite an amazing one…
for now, let’s take this moment, this wild and precious moment, to conspire, to breathe together deeply through our one heart and drop down into our core of being, the still point of creation, sacred space of being blessing, sacred space of smile (stating my internal love engine)…
namaste, beloveds…