Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 55 – 2/9/2017

Named Freely Flowing February 9 2017 Moon Full and Lunar Eclipse in Leo

i went out tonight to draw down the energy of this almost full moon lunar eclipse in leo, have been feeling her and the stars reflected in my being… have you also been sensing what the stars are destining for you? noticing what is popping across your radar screen?

feeling the urge to embody the king/queen of the jungle energy? yes, it is the moment to step through the portal and trust whatever unfolds for this passageway is guarded by powerful, protective spirits aligned with our higher purpose…

may we all be fueled with the roar vibration of the lion to stand up and claim our personal and collective sovereignty coming from the authenticity of our one cosmic heart, the sacred space of wisdom empowered by the omniscient, all-seeing eye across all time and space supporting the dream of the cosmos… to re-member we belong to each other, we are one illuminated heart…

take courage, beloveds…