Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 49 – 2/3/2015

Named February Favorites 3  freespirit horse

drawing down the energy of this full moon in leo, i re-member my first horse, flying carpet and the magical carpet rides we would take as the drumming of her hooves deepened us into a trance where we flew through the clouds as one freespirit painting the skies in iridescent colors of love… breathing deeply through our one heart, may we all realize we are freedom as vast as the skies co-creating a multiverse filled with surprise… happy trails along the rainbow trail…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 31 – 1/16/2015

Named January Jewels 16 come_to_the_edge

It seems everyone i talk with is hearing the call to come to the edge and take a flying leap… Witnessing fledglings flying inspires me to join in, to step it up, to go full out for living the deepest held dream… Yes, i’m going for it, trusting wings will emerge, choosing love over fear, believing, knowing that love always finds a way… This pilgrim is walking her talk… Happy Trails to us all! Happy Open – Hearted Soaring!!