a day of listening to falling water
and dancing with the rain…
a day of walking without feet like riverwater
flowing home to source…
a day of gathering in the river below the river
singing and celebrating motherwaters…
a day of rising and falling waves, always being ocean
flowing home peacefully to the sea…
as the sun set today, we enter the portal of the highest holy day in the Jewish faith, Yom Kippur, Day of At-One-Ment which falls like water during 11 Days of Global Unity culminating on World Peace Day, September 21…
these days of Global Unity aim at strengthening the ideals of community and equality, diversity and oneness, harmony and compassion and, above all, at advancing a Culture of Peace…
one by one, breath by breath, moment by moment,
each of our individual thoughts, words and deeds poured onto the unitive field
transforms the cosmos into a beloved communion
of peace guided by love and seeded by justice…
shanti, shanti, shantihi…