Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 365- 12/16/2023

today is an incredibly special day in thought word and deed as it marks the completion of ten turns around the sun (that’s 3652 days) posting the poetic peace pilgrimage each night unless on my deathbed or without connection – the ppp is a daily breathing and being peace in every moment devocean i practice… today also marks the completion of twelve turns around the sun (that’s 4383 days) of dwelling in the superabundance of infinite love and gratitude… this 2023 year is so very remarkable personally and collectively with our interbeing’s vision beeing so dramatically refined while the cosm has so profoundly quickened the outpourings of golden light to support the great turning of the ages, the transmutation, the transformation, the unfolding of the birth-death-rebirth cycle of the magical mystery tour we call life…

a turn like no other

breaking down to break through

and gathering strength to make the quantum leap

this year, more expansively and deeply than ever, in the midst of constant stimulation, i have loved taking refuge in living the iconic quest ion of what will i do with my one wild and precious life and have loved witnessing the answer of being drawn by the stronger pull of what i really love and seeing that pull embedded in and engraved upon the compass of the immortal soul while always inviting in each moment of eternity as a friend to ->

open my eyes so i may vision

open my ears so i may listen

open my voice so i may rejoice

open my heart so i may know not knowing

as i sit in the dream cave now, the interior sounds of  water moving inspires re-membering all the beautiful moments of this journey of the heart, of  simply breathing into lovingkindness presence, being the now, embracing the uncertainty and impermanence of what is and…

dan-sing in rhythm

with the river of being

opening to flow

along this path of heart, this path of purification, this path of polishing the heart, we keep coming back with every breath, with every step into infinite love and gratitude no matter what is happening in the outer, coming back home to our one heart where we experience over and over again…

moments of peace

wildpeace flowing in ripples

and dan-sing joyously

how i love this practice of pilgrimage, of living story, of being poets on an interior deep sea journey where we’re all walking each other home into our one heart where we stand in the center seeing in a sacred manner all beings as one spirit…

thanks for being nomads in the sea

celebrating rainbow mystery

being harmony

real-eye-sing more than ever the gift of standing together in solidarity as the dominance world collapses making space for returning to the true reality of interconnection, of belonging to each other, i pledge to live right action in the rhythm of the waves of creation for the benefit of the seven generations… aho…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 365 – 12/16/2022

today is an incredibly special day in thought word and deed as it marks the completion of nine turns around the sun (that’s 3287 days) posting the poetic peace pilgrimage each night unless on my deathbed or without connection – the ppp is a daily breathing and being peace in every moment devocean i practice… today also marks the completion of eleven turns around the sun (that’s 4018 days) of dwelling in the superabundance of infinite love and gratitude… this 2022 year is so very remarkable personally and collectively with our interbeing’s vision beeing so dramatically refined while the cosm has so profoundly quickened the outpourings of golden light to support the great turning of the ages, the transmutation, the transformation, the unfolding of the birth-death-rebirth cycle of the magical mystery tour we call life…

a turn like no other

breaking down to break through

and gathering strength to make the quantum leap

this year, more expansively and deeply than ever, in the midst of constant stimulation, i have loved taking refuge in living the iconic quest ion of what will i do with my one wild and precious life and have loved witnessing the answer of being drawn by the stronger pull of what i really love and seeing that pull embedded in and engraved upon the compass of the immortal soul while always inviting in each moment of eternity as a friend to ->

open my eyes so i may vision

open my ears so i may listen

open my voice so i may rejoice

open my heart so i may know not knowing

as i sit in the dream cave now, the interior sounds of  water moving inspires re-membering all the beautiful moments of this journey of the heart, of  simply breathing into lovingkindness presence, being the now, embracing the uncertainty and impermanence of what is and…

dan-sing in rhythm

with the river of being

opening to flow

along this path of heart, this path of purification, this path of polishing the heart, we keep coming back with every breath, with every step into infinite love and gratitude no matter what is happening in the outer, coming back home to our one heart where we experience over and over again…

moments of peace

wildpeace flowing in ripples

and dan-sing joyously

how i love this practice of pilgrimage, of living story, of being poets on an interior deep sea journey where we’re all walking each other home into our one heart where we stand in the center seeing in a sacred manner all beings as one spirit…

thanks for being nomads in the sea

celebrating rainbow mystery

being harmony

real-eye-sing more than ever the gift of standing together in solidarity as the dominance world collapses making space for returning to the true reality of interconnection, of belonging to each other, i pledge to live right action in the rhythm of the waves of creation for the benefit of the seven generations… aho…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 365 – 12/16/2021

today is an incredibly special day in thought word and deed as it marks the completion of eight turns around the sun (that’s 2922 days) posting the poetic peace pilgrimage each night unless on my deathbed or without connection – the ppp is a daily breathing and being peace in every moment devocean i practice… today also marks the completion of ten turns around the sun (that’s 3653 days) of dwelling in the superabundance of infinite love and gratitude… this 2021 year is so very remarkable when our interbeing’s vision has been so dramatically refined while the cosm has so profoundly quickened the outpourings of golden light to support the great turning, the transmutation, the transformation, the unfolding of the birth-death-rebirth cycle of the magical mystery tour we call life…

a turn like no other

breaking down to break through

and gathering strength to make the quantum leap

this year, more expansively and deeply than ever, in the midst of constant stimulation, i have loved taking refuge in living the iconic quest ion of what will i do with my one wild and precious life and have loved witnessing the answer of being drawn by the stronger pull of what i really love and seeing that pull embedded in and engraved upon the compass of the immortal soul while always inviting in each moment of eternity as a friend to ->

open my eyes so i may vision

open my ears so i may listen

open my voice so i may rejoice

open my heart so i may know not knowing

as i sit in the dream cave now, the interior sounds of  water moving inspires re-membering all the beautiful moments of this journey of the heart, of  simply breathing into lovingkindness presence, being the now, embracing the uncertainty and impermanence of what is and…

dan-sing in rhythm

with the river of being

opening to flow

along this path of heart, this path of purification, this path of polishing the heart, we keep coming back with every breath, with every step into infinite love and gratitude no matter what is happening in the outer, coming back home to our one heart where we experience over and over again…

moments of peace

wildpeace flowing in ripples

and dan-sing joyously

how i love this practice of pilgrimage, of living story, of being poets on an interior deep sea journey where we’re all walking each other home into our one heart where we stand in the center seeing in a sacred manner all beings as one spirit…

thanks for being nomads in the sea

celebrating rainbow mystery

being harmony

real-eye-sing more than ever the gift of standing together in solidarity as the dominance world collapses making space for returning to the true reality of interconnection, of belonging to each other, i pledge to live right action in the rhythm of the waves of creation for the benefit of the seven generations… aho…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 324 – 11/5/2021

with every step today, with every breath, i bow to the beauty of the one who stands with grace in the center of the wheel holding space in a sacred way… in this place, she sees more than she can say and understands more than she sees… as she rests in stillness, she listens to the wind and knows in her heart, in our one heart, that we are here to offer loving service to all our relations for we are one – one breath, one body, one being, one becoming…

for the past twenty-three hundred and twenty-three days, i have gathered with this extraordinary being of shining light in sacred communion to voice metta, lovingkindness blessings for all our relatives… each evening, we join at the threshold to offer ourselves and everything we are to the field out beyond… we envision the whole cosmos joining in and experiencing the true reality of oneness where we see all our relations as numinous love…

invoking the divine light of grace every day is a most transformative path; sauntering along this rainbow trail of devocean daily teaches and shows the way of saging gracefully…

on this very special day, the anniversary of your birth, i celebrate you with this blessing prayed every morning by His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, a blessing you walk each day…


May I be a guard for those who need protection

A guide for those on the path

A boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood

May I be a lamp in the darkness

A resting place for the weary

A healing medicine for all who are sick

A vase of plenty, a tree of miracles

And for the boundless multitudes of living beings

May I bring sustenance and awakening

Enduring like the earth and sky

Until all beings are freed from sorrow

And all are awakened.


deep bows and boundless love, beloved flow-er of beauty and soul of the space wherever your soles are kissing the earth, our one heart eternally smiles as we walk the spirit path together until all our relations are free of suffering, until all relatives are liberated…

always flowing in beauty being the soul of the stillpoint space…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 366 – 12/16/2020

today is a very special day in thought word and deed as it marks the completion of seven turns around the sun (that’s 2557 days) posting the poetic peace pilgrimage each night unless on my deathbed or without connection – the ppp is a daily breathing and being peace in every moment devocean i practice… today also marks the completion of nine turns around the sun (that’s 3288 days) of dwelling in the superabundance of infinite love and gratitude… this 2020 year is so very remarkable when every being’s vision has been so dramatically refined as the cosm has so profoundly quickened the outpourings of golden light to support the great turning, the transmutation, the transformation, the unfolding of the birth-death-rebirth cycle of the magical mystery tour we call life…

a turn like no other

breaking down to break through

and gathering strength to make the quantum leap

this year, more expansively and deeply than ever, in the midst of constant stimulation i have loved taking refuge in living the iconic quest ion of what will i do with my one wild and precious life and have loved witnessing the answer of being drawn by the stronger pull of what i really love and seeing that pull embedded in and engraved upon the compass of the immortal soul while always inviting in each moment of eternity ->

the opening of my eyes so i may vision

the opening of my ears so i may listen

the opening of my voice so i may rejoice

the opening of my heart so i may know not knowing

as i sit in the dream cave now, the interior sounds of  water moving inspires re-membering all the beautiful moments of this journey of the heart, of  simply breathing into lovingkindness presence, being the now, embracing the uncertainty and impermanence of what is and…

dan-sing in rhythm

with the river of being

opening to flow

along this path of heart, this path of purification, this path of polishing the heart, we keep coming back with every breath, with every step into infinite love and gratitude no matter what is happening in the outer, coming back home to our one heart where we experience over and over again…

moments of peace

wildpeace flowing in ripples

and dan-sing joyously

how i love this practice of pilgrimage, of living story, of being poets on an interior deep sea journey where we’re all walking each other home into our one heart where we stand in the center seeing in a sacred manner all beings as one spirit…

thanks for being nomads in the sea

celebrating rainbow mystery

being harmony

real-eye-sing more than ever the gift of standing together in solidarity as the dominance world collapses making space for returning to the true reality of interconnection, of belonging to each other, of pledging to live right action for the benefit of the seven generations… aho…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3/3 Years – Day 359/1089 – 12/09/2016


may our one heart always be open to little
birds who sing the secrets of living in each and every moment…

seven nights ago i re-turned from a profound outer journey to embark upon an inner journey mirroring the outer one with both pilgrimages sharing the energy of timelessness, both feeling at once like the blink of an eye and an eternity… this living in the here now/nowhere is truly magical = transformed consciousness = being the change = flowing in beauty wherever we are…

thousandfold thanks to all the little birds, co-hearts walking the path home together, sharing love and compassion, earth and star presence along the rainbow trail…
