Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 51 – February 5, 2014

Flow, Let goToday’s journey has been filled with all kinds of twists and turns i didn’t see coming although i seem to re-member saying that i was open to receiving… At first the tidal wave brought in all kinds of exciting things that i so enjoyed sinking into and then some debris started washing in behind. Now, i breathe in the rhythm of the waves being ebb and flow and ebb and flow.

A small act of vandalism on the road today will not stop the pilgrimage, rather, it shall fuel it moving me to cleanse with ho’oponopono – i’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, i love you…

Happy Trails!

Metta Prayer


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 50 – February 4, 2014

Rainbow Prayer's Call

Today begins zenfully in the Japanese Garden where everything is about being in the present moment, a sacred space i desire inhabiting with every breath, a place where we re-member that in stillness creativity flows, where we hear heart whispers when we open to the present moment…

Are you able to surrender to the river of creativity that the universe desires to flow through you?

Named Spiral

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 48 – February 2, 2014

Named Poetic PEACE Pilgrim Child in Sea of Clouds


Today’s journey finds me dancing with reality – what if much of what we’ve been told is untrue? Dreaming morphs into sharing the journey with dear friends, perfect playmates in this field of the watery womb, the divine matrix. In this sacred space, this circle of illumination, i know we are One and we are Love and all i need to do is breathe that into my bones with every breath to be the PEACE that passeth all understanding.


Waking in Beauty

to the field of flowing grace

always being the soul of that place

Dream - Dolphin Cove

Dance, dance wherever we may be…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 45 – January 30, 2014

Named Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Jan 2014 011


“Place yourself in the middle of the stream of power and wisdom which flows into your life. Then, without effort, you are impelled to truth and to perfect contentment.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The light of our super moon inspires me early on and this post including picture is ready to go when i see that the very same sister pilgrim pictured above has posted on another site an Emerson quote which says what had flowed through me on awakening as i mused on the new seed of this new moon. Holy Synchronicity!

Flowing in beauty down to the sea

Being the soul of wherever i may be

When cold feet impede, wings carry me

Over the bridge into the sea


Being the soul of wherever i may be

Feeling the new moon rising in me

Over the bridge into the sea

Dancing rainbow infinity


Feeling the new moon rising in me

I sway with you, you sway with me

Dancing rainbow infinity

Over the bridge into the sea


Being the soul of wherever i may be

Dancing rainbow infinity

I sway with you, you sway with me

Flowing in beauty down to the sea

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 39 – January 24, 2014

Named dance


Stretching, baby stepping, dancing today as moon’s glow fades into brilliant sun light and a journey through a tube turns into a quest to reach the mountain top. The view from the aerie – panoramic and breathtaking – aligns perfectly with the soul of this place, sacred space to co-create the beautyway we be. Flowing like a river to source, we come home to the heart – how i love sharing the journey with you!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 36 – January 21, 2014

Blue Star Sea

Open all windows,

let sunlight come pouring in.

Awaken, arise…

Parting the veils,

peer ahead, seer of

new world breathing in

spiraling, whirling

dancing in rhythm with breeze

always flowing home.


Today, i travel with the tribe of co-hearts committed to co-creating a world we are conspiring and as we dance this path of heart, we re-member who we are, who the world is, we re-member Oneness. Thanks for sharing the journey!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 35 – January 20, 2014

Named Rumi Soul Blue Star Sea

In stillness today,

i am blue waters, gold sun,

 embracing beauty…

On this fourth day of walking in beauty so intense that it feels like a blowtorch has seared my eyes – thank you sister pilgrim, NanLeah – it is a gift to sink into the stillpoint and breathe, inspire…

I just realized

how i love being pilgrim.

poet on journey.

Infusing each breath

with soulful presence, trusting

in sweet surrender…

To the flow, the path

where today i take baby

steps into stillness.