Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 260 – 9/2/2015

Named Serene September 2 Moment Guruthousandfold thanks for this day of presence, this day of present moment, this day of every moment being the guru, this day of lifting the veils between the worlds where that of dreaming and waking are one, where lost chords are re-membered through the mists, where the mystical and the practical blend into divine harmony, where long lost relations appear and it feels they’ve never been away, where magic graces this moment, every moment, where winds whisper magic and anoint us with changing consciousness as they blow through all that is… thank you for this moment, this beautiful moment…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 137 – 5/2/2015

Named Momentous May 2 Moment Guruperfect words for this moment ous month of may, this moment ous moon of illumination… what a day of every moment, every breath being the guru… what a day of moment after moment of illumination…

witnessing a sistar transfiguring, being and becoming more radiant light with every breath, celebrating we are love, love is all there is, coming home to our one heart…

savoring the rising of the almost full moon of illumination, drawing down the powerful energy of this moon as it bathes us in spiritual blessings…