Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 77 – March 3, 2014

Named Blue Star Portal

When journeying into the deep mystery of chaos,

heart serves as compass, dancing star serves as guide.

Presence, trust and surrender characterize the ethos,

courage thy constant companion on this wild and rollicking ride.


Heart serves as compass, dancing star serves as guide

into the darkness, the stillpoint of creation

courage thy constant companion on this wild and rollicking ride.

Now, breathe in what is from every direction…


Into the darkness, the stillpoint of creation,

wait for what rises out of the sea.

Now, breathe in what is from every direction

gifting the freedom to dance in beauty.


When journeying into the deep mystery of chaos,

heart serves as compass, dancing star serves as guide.

Wait for what rises out of the sea

gifting the freedom to dance in beauty.

Named dance+

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 76 – March 2, 2014

Named Still Point

Walking on the wild side on Day 76

revolutionary traveling through the quantum field

discarding all, lightening up seems the  proper fix

senses are adjusting to what is really real


revolutionary traveling through the quantum field

from watery womb through birth canal to a world so new

senses are adjusting to what is really real

so very disorienting, this nothingness point of view


from watery womb through birth canal to a world so new

celebrate  the chaos that births the dancing star, no longer

so very disorienting, this nothingness point of view

breathing in and breathing out vibration of purr


Walking on the wild side on Day 76

revolutionary traveling through the quantum field

from watery womb through birth canal to a world so new

breathing in and breathing out vibration of purr

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 32 – January 17, 2014

Named Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage with Janelle Jan 2014 015

Walking in beauty…

heart path in the gorge smiles with

mists, sunshine, rainbows…

Foggy start gives way to sunlight whispering through the clouds… Wind whips river into whitecaps as we wend the water way deepening into cavernous space. Such a treat to Re-TREAT into the spaciousness of emptiness with another pilgrim, another poet on a journey to live in light, in flow…

Love listening to the song singing us… Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Jan 2014 007

Named Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Waterfall Jan 2014 010

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 26 – January 11, 2014

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage JourneyAh yes, i travel, or more aptly, flow into emptiness with every moon, it always feel a little like dying, this farewell tour to holding on, hanging on by fingernails, this moving more and more fully into the present moment where everything is and is and is…

Awaken in warmth

Weaving dreams, feasting with friends

Rainbow colored sky…

Solitude Re-TREAT

in the River Beloved

being, breathing wave…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Thanks


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 13 – December 29, 2013

Fiery Dance by Vladimir Kush To Understand a Flower is to know the Mysteries of Creation ♥

If you wish to become a pilgrim

Treading the path of love,

you must first find great humility and

become nothing more than dust and ashes.


Dancing the journey today begins in the spaciousness of emptiness, of letting all that was burn away to clear the way for this moment. What a joy to inhabit the one heart with you, to walk the spirit path with you calls forth that peace beyond understanding. Thank you for the grace encoded in each breath breathing me…