Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 69 – February 23, 2014

Named N Flo Jo+

Nomad of the sea

being flowing beautyway

surrender to love


Rise up singing kissed by sun

river dancing always dreaming magic to come

gliding over stones, nothing impedes the flow

wind whispers softly to lean in and let all go.


river dancing always dreaming magic to come

earth giving thanks tuning into celestial hum

wind whispers softly to lean in and let all go

light shines brilliantly plugged into cosmic glow


earth giving thanks tuning into celestial hum

for the beautiful field of love that we have become

light shines brilliantly plugged into cosmic glow

trusting in the rhythm of eternal ebb and flow


Rise up singing kissed by sun

river dancing always dreaming magic to come

light shines brilliantly plugged into cosmic glow

trusting in the rhythm of eternal ebb and flow.

Named Kaua'i 2-10-2012

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 63 – February 17, 2014

Dancing Star

As we come alive in this wild moment

dreaming a new world on the way,

let us breathe in deeply our dreams coming full circle

as dancing stars give birth today.


Dreaming a new world on the way,

we hear her whispering down under the sea

as dancing stars give birth today

and create sacred space for flowing beauty.

Rumi Listen

We hear her whispering down under the sea,

now is the moment for the dream to fully be

and to create sacred space for flowing beauty

from our one heart soaring across eternity.

Blue Star New World Germinating

As we come alive in this wild moment,

let us breathe in deeply our dreams coming full circle.

now is the moment for the dream to fully be

from our one heart soaring across eternity.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 52 – February 6, 2014

Named Snow 2-6-2014 002Yes, twelve hours later and it is still snowing in Portland town… It has been such a long journey into this good night shared in beautiful company – so many angels on the road today – thank you…

Today’s sand painting begins in gray and brightens in communion with another pilgrim. The promised snow begins to fall calling me to tend to my wheels which becomes quite a waiting game in the filled to overflowing rest stop. The falling water crystals command our attention hour after hour after hour transporting us into a new world where outer mirrors inner…

May we all embrace the quiet peace of snow falling gently…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 48 – February 2, 2014

Named Poetic PEACE Pilgrim Child in Sea of Clouds


Today’s journey finds me dancing with reality – what if much of what we’ve been told is untrue? Dreaming morphs into sharing the journey with dear friends, perfect playmates in this field of the watery womb, the divine matrix. In this sacred space, this circle of illumination, i know we are One and we are Love and all i need to do is breathe that into my bones with every breath to be the PEACE that passeth all understanding.


Waking in Beauty

to the field of flowing grace

always being the soul of that place

Dream - Dolphin Cove

Dance, dance wherever we may be…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 47 – February 1, 2014

Dream Cave Awakening

Flying today on

beautiful billowing clouds

sacred, pregnant pause


Moments in the west

journeying into dream cave

where darkness births light


Pioneer spirit

blaze a new Oregon Trail

opening to PEACE


Deep connection here

one with source, flowing in grace

always being love


Walking in beauty

alongside tidal waters

always coming home

Named Pilgrim Walking 038