it’s now the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the dreaming in the rhythm of waves re-treat when i’ve let go of everything to simply be in the moment opening to the clear light to dreamweave the world awake while running with the waves along the liberation pathless path…
so many favorite days in surrendered to love september and there are three in a row – the full harvest moon in pisces, the international day of peace and equinox – that i must sing…
immediately, it became clear to me this re-treat was all about dreamweaving the world awake and this harvest moon bathed in dreamy piscean waters is a perfect catalyst… i had many images in mind but then the winds blew in this prescient image i had made some seven years before and the wind spirits delivered it right after a lucid dream of running with the waves feeling so wild and free and so aligned with the rhythm of the perfect moment to merge with the sea, to surrender into the devocean of interbeing…
join me in these sacred waters reveling in the luminosity of the clear light
dreamweaving the world of wisdom and wonder awake…
we are dreamweavers
whole and holy
wild and free.
gatekeepers of divinity
the sacred waters of the cosmic wombspace reveal
the dreams we carry, the dreams forgotten,
the dreams long remembered…
as holy vessels of heaven/earth, we surrender our entire
being for these dreams to be heard, felt, called forth,
woven into the sacred web of life for the greatest good of all beings…
this is a sacred commitment to live our devocean…
this is our starseed destiny…
into the watery womb, speak a dream aloud that you are actively tending for yourself and the collective…
take a deep breath feeling into the energies present and listening for nature’s response…
as spirit and matter merge,
and the mythic and mundane together re-weave,
it is done, it is done, it is done…
we are dreamweavers
dreaming the world awake
here and now
always and forever…
and so it is, and so it is, and so it is…
blessed bee, blessed bee, blessed bee…