what a totally awesome pilgrimage day simply being a free and easy wanderer dancing around the cosmos, floating in the buoyant sea which is to say that i fell into the deepest lucid dream state for what seemed a brief, shining moment and an eternity all rolled into one, a seamless kaleidoscopic vision of shifting images connected by the delicate threads of grandmother’s gossamer web…
everything so crystal clear, so all connected in the stillpoint, the spaciousness of emptiness with nowhere to go and nothing to do… simply being open to what is…. open, open, open… to the sounds of silence emanating from the heart’s wellspring of wisdom…
listening, listening to our heartsong
gathered in the field beyond right and wrong
circling sangha, caravan of re-joy-sing
attuned to love’s frequency, entrained to the bell’s ring
may we embody the generosity of brother sun, the imagination of sister moon, the grounded interconnectedness of the standing talls and the flowing nature of oceanic sky….