Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 129 – 4/24/2015

Named Awesome April 24 Magic Carpet Ridetraveling, traveling, traveling through boundlessness past time/space/gravity… wanting only to swim in these uncharted/familiar waters of liberation freely floating for eternity through infinity… feeling like sleeping beauty resting in peace as the rainbow serpent whirls and whirls, spinning into gold and beloved breathes waters of life awakening life anew…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 48 – 2/2/2015

Named February Favorites 2 Dreamer Harriet Tubman

on this pilgrimage day, the almost full moon in Leo is streaming in lighting up creative expression and energizing the envisioning of deeply held dreams, calling us to share our dreams and to collaborate, to co-create harmony and balance in ourselves, in our homes, in our neighborhoods, in our towns, in our countries, in our world…

may we all dream our deep songs into the world…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 356 – December 7, 2014

Named Divine 7  Kaua'i 11-29-14 Beach 005 Sun Gazing

today’s pilgrimage is making the dark sea journey down, down, down into the dream caves deep in the watery womb, our ocean home…. breathing in the rhythm of the waves, we go further and further into the ever expanding caves, the ever expanding abundance, true refuge from any and every storm…. breathing deeply in this peace, this stillness, we are home and in a perfect p[ace to take a long, refreshing nap… pleasant dreams!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 217 – July 21, 2014

Named Rainbow Sea of Love+++

today’s pilgrimage is one of going down to the River Beloved and have her wash over me conducting me into her watery depths for some dreamtime of re-membering/membering and re-creating/creating mystory/mystery… iridescence immersion has a nice ring and an even better feel as i dance around the sun and watch as the moon draws down opening a field for planting anew… What is wanting to be birthed in you?

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 178 – June 12, 2014

Named Mt Adams 6-10-14 004 I'm Possible Dream

On this day of the Sagittarian Truth Speaking Full Moon under a Gemini Sun, we walk the rainbow trail into the field where we are all one in the sea of love energy and we voice, proclaim our hearts’ truest whisper to embody the fullest expression of ourselves making the Impossible Dream the I’m Possible Dream.

Being home in the heart, we come from love and speak truth to power, to limitation, to judgment, knowing the truest power is love and as we vibrate in this universal frequency the Impossible Dream is the I’m Possible Dream.

Blessings Be!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 87 – March 13, 2014

Named Blue Star Being

Today i travel with the divine child front and center. This child has been dreaming me for days, love sharing the road with this dancing star…


Thank you, dear child, for being deep presence

Thank you, dear heart, for awakening more trust

Thank you, dear beloved one, for dancing surrender

Thank you, dear mystery, for flowing gracefully through us


Thank you, dear heart, for awakening more trust

in the path’s unfolding as beautyway

Thank you, dear mystery, for flowing gracefully through us

empowering every moment as celebration today


in the path’s unfolding as beautyway

breathing in deeply our child heart presence

empowering every moment as celebration today

on the simplicity pilgrimage to distill essence


Thank you, dear mystery, for flowing gracefully through us

breathing in deeply our child heart presence

Thank you, dear heart, for awakening more trust

on the simplicity pilgrimage to distill essence


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 83 – March 9, 2014

Rumi Close Eyes Fall in LoveToday, i am beyond words and loving Rumi’s admonition to close my eyes, fall in love and stay there in a dreamy, floaty space. I will let images supply the words here while i’m feeling as silent as a stone, a stone resting in flow, warmed by sun, bathing in clear lake sheltered by the tree limbs swaying gently in the wind. Such is the beautyway today for this pilgrim on a journey of PEACE…

Named Oregon Lan Su 2-26-14 Stones ReflectionDo you see yourself here? Come on in, the water so refreshing inspires…

Named Rainbow Field