Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 79 – 3/5/2015

Named Miraculous March 5 Moment Guruthis moment is a miracle… this day is a miracle…. this moon a miracle… this month is a miracle… so, today, may we honor and celebrate every breath trusting our buddha nature…

In Tibet, this day is named Monlam, the Day of Miracles. Established by Lama Tsongkhapa in 1409 at the lunar new year to commemorates the Buddha’s display of spiritual power and create the space for virtuous activity, it is a very powerful time to practice, increase one’s commitment to virtuous activity and give with generosity.

may we all dance in the rhythm of this miraculous moment hand in hand with the ancestors and the generations on the way…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 18 – 1/3/2015

Named January Jewels 3 Beautyway

breathing in

rhythm with waves

our one heart smiling

on all free and easy wanderers

sauntering in beauty along the rainbow trail

where boulders transform into floating clouds blowing in the wind

as we rest in the vast emptiness of this big sky moment stretching on forever


thank you for walking me home

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 3 – 12/19/2014

Named Divine 19 NA Sacred Space Trust

13 moons ago, this prayer dreamed me… i was driving over a bridge with my mother when suddenly a tsunami appeared… now, i am swimming in dark water knowing i must find my mother who is not a strong swimmer… after what seemed an eternity, i surrendered realizing all i could do was go with the flow… instantaneously i was transported to paradise and then to our beach cottage where i found my daughter… i knew i had to call my siblings but it was the last thing i wanted to do…

as i waited for them to answer my call, i felt movement behind me and turned around to see my mother standing there in my nightgown with my hair and smile – best miracle ever! during this wholly season, sometimes it feels like a tidal wave of abundance… i re-member the dream and surrender to this sea of love energy we are… i breathe into the stillness of this sacred space as peace flows through in the rhythm of the waves…

NA Be Still

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 364 – December 15, 2014

Named Divine 15 Water Play

on this next to last day of year one of the poetic peace pilgrimage, this water baby is reflecting on and celebrating this flowing in beauty turn around the sun… a year of breathing in, being water, fire, earth, air, moon, sun, planet, wind…. moment after moment of dancing in the rhythm of the waves of rainbow light… always being love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 350 – December 1, 2014

Named Trees 28 Kaua'i 11-28-14 019 Rainbow

Welcome to Divine December! I hope you’ll join me in reflecting o and seeing the divine in all our relations, in all that is… this sacred space, this present moment is so divine, just breathe it in to each of our seventy trillion wild cells… and again… and again… it is divine to be able to come home to the heart with every breath, to be showered with presence, to surrender to love… YES!