Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 358 – 12/9/2019

ah yes, grandmother and as we are now in the radiation of the almost full moon in gemini, air sign of the twins. perhaps you feel the restless mind more strongly inviting our taking a few moments to gather and collect our attention through the art of inquiry, asking repeatedly the same question ( a la A H Almaas) leaving empty space for us to write down or record our reflections as our deep breaths through the core of our being take us more and more into the stillpoint, the great silence, birthing circle of creation…


tell me a way you experience the deep radiance of the present moment…. thank you…

tell me a way you experience the deep radiance of the present moment…. thank you…

tell me a way you experience the deep radiance of the present moment…. thank you…

tell me a way you experience the deep radiance of the present moment…. thank you...

tell me a way you experience the deep radiance of the present moment…. thank you…


as we rest in the vast spaciousness of this moment, the only moment, may we look through the eyes of the stillpoint of creation seeing the beauty and wonder before us behind us beside us below us above us encircling us in an ever-widening ring of compassion radiating out and in in rhythm with the breath

deep bows to all our relations…