Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 351- 12/2/2023

“let tenderness pour from your eyes, the way sun gazes warmly on earth”

~ Hafiz ~

synchronisticly, Oregon’s state logo, She Flies with Her Own Wings, is  a perfect turn of phrase for  this moment of eternity when we are poised to fledge, to take flight into an openhearted consciousness… this moment is also one of slowing down, turning inward and deepening into the watery depths taking this moment to bathe in the illumination of the central sun within, and luxuriate in her nourishing radiance…

like my state and you, this moment i’m flying on inner wings across a timeless landscape drawing down and up the energy of the self organizing intelligence of the cosmos, of the implicate order, to open our one cosmic heart ever wider to the flow of compassion and lovingkindness that is the very air we breathe…

will everyone join in a moment of gathering the quintessence and our attention and intention in a moment of silent metta, lovingkindness, emanating and radiating from the deep inner ground of being?

may we return to this mantra in sync with our ultradian rhythms which occur every ninety minutes or so and harmonize our nervous system with its natural healing cycle…

may we all be filled with lovingkindness

may we all feel safe and at ease

may we all accept ourselves just as we are

may we all be deep peace

how delighted am i to continue wandering in wonder and awe in the outer and inner dream caves, the stillpoint of creation, the silence of the tiny space of the heart that is breaking wide open in this beautiful moment of presence, of be here now, now here, no where, everywhere in the timeless zone where we are all gathered in the one sacred heart out beyond and deep within listening to our sacred soul song…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 351 – 12/2/2022

“let tenderness pour from your eyes, the way sun gazes warmly on earth”

~ Hafiz ~

synchronisticly, Oregon’s state logo, She Flies with Her Own Wings, is  a perfect turn of phrase for  this moment of eternity when we are poised to fledge, to take flight into an openhearted consciousness… this moment is also one of slowing down, turning inward and deepening into the watery depths taking this moment to bathe in the illumination of the central sun within, and luxuriate in her nourishing radiance…

like my state and you, this moment i’m flying on inner wings across a timeless landscape drawing down and up the energy of the self organizing intelligence of the cosmos, of the implicate order, to open our one cosmic heart ever wider to the flow of compassion and lovingkindness that is the very air we breathe…

will everyone join in a moment of gathering the quintessence and our attention and intention in a moment of silent metta, lovingkindness, emanating and radiating from the deep inner ground of being?

may we return to this mantra in sync with our ultradian rhythms which occur every ninety minutes or so and harmonize our nervous system with its natural healing cycle…

may we all be filled with lovingkindness

may we all feel safe and at ease

may we all accept ourselves just as we are

may we all be deep peace

how delighted am i to continue wandering in wonder and awe in the outer and inner dream caves, the stillpoint of creation, the silence of the tiny space of the heart that is breaking wide open in this beautiful moment of presence, of be here now, now here, no where, everywhere in the timeless zone where we are all gathered in the one sacred heart out beyond and deep within listening to our sacred soul song…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 351 – 12/2/2021

“let tenderness pour from your eyes, the way sun gazes warmly on earth”

~ Hafiz ~

synchronisticly, Oregon’s state logo, She Flies with Her Own Wings, is  a perfect turn of phrase for  this moment of eternity when i am about to fledge from a nest that’s been home to me for a seven year cycle and this fledging to occur on the day of the total soular eclipse… this moment is also one of slowing down, turning inward and deepening into the watery depths to take this moment to bathe in the illumination of the central sun within, and luxuriate in her nourishing radiance…

like my state, this moment i’m flying on inner wings across a timeless landscape drawing down and up the energy of the self organizing intelligence of the cosmos, of the implicate order to open our heart circle ever wider to the flow of compassion and lovingkindness that is the very air we breathe…

will everyone join in a moment of gathering the quintessence and our attention and intention in a moment of silent metta, lovingkindness, emanating and radiating from the deep inner ground of being?

may we return to this mantra in sync with our ultradian rhythms which occur every ninety minutes or so and harmonize our nervous system with its natural healing cycle…

may we all be filled with lovingkindness

may we all feel safe and at ease

may we all accept ourselves just as we are

may we all be deep peace

how delighted am i to continue wandering in wonder and awe in the outer and inner dream caves, the stillpoint of creation, the silence of the tiny space of the heart that is breaking wide open in this beautiful moment of presence, of be here now, now here, no where, everywhere in the timeless zone where we are all gathered in the one sacred heart out beyond and deep within…