Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 194 – 6/28/2021

we are nomads in the vast skysea

dancing waves of rainbow mystery

singing songs of peaceful harmony

today i’m reminded of the song, “too damn hot” necessitating a trip to a cooling center – you may have heard that the pacific northwest is broiling and breaking all recorded high temperatures – so this will be short and sweet…

“There is no independent existence. There is no you and no me apart from other people and the earth and the wind and the sun. We exist because of numberless causal factors—our genetics, the love of our mothers and fathers, our place in time, the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and so on. And we are defined by our relationships to others and to our world. This is the matrix in which we act. When designing a garden we will again and again remind ourselves of this and cultivate the mind that thinks in unfolding, evolving energetic systems. Because a garden is a complete mandala, its parts relate to one another. Together they form one whole energetic system. The parts are inseparable from the whole, and the whole is inseparable from its parts, and both are in process of changing.”

~ Excerpted from:The Sound of Cherry Blossoms Zen Lessons from the Garden of Contemplative Design by Alxe Noden and Martin Hakubai Mosko,page 19–20 ~

in this moment of stillness beyond space and time, deepest bows to the Beloved, the all flowing source of love, wisdom and truth and to allparts populating our one whole cosmic sea of love energy…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 194 – 6/28/2019

Named Jelling June 28 Rainbow Rebirth

we are nomads in the vast skysea

dancing waves of rainbow mystery

singing songs of peaceful harmony


There is no independent existence. There is no you and no me apart from other people and the earth and the wind and the sun. We exist because of numberless causal factors—our genetics, the love of our mothers and fathers, our place in time, the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and so on. And we are defined by our relationships to others and to our world. This is the matrix in which we act. When designing a garden we will again and again remind ourselves of this and cultivate the mind that thinks in unfolding, evolving energetic systems. Because a garden is a complete mandala, its parts relate to one another. Together they form one whole energetic system. The parts are inseparable from the whole, and the whole is inseparable from its parts, and both are in process of changing.

Excerpted from:
The Sound of Cherry Blossoms
Zen Lessons from the Garden of Contemplative Design
by Alxe Noden and Martin Hakubai Mosko,
page 19–20
in this moment of stillness beyond space and time, deepest bows to the Beloved, the all flowing source of love, wisdom and truth and to all populating our one cosmic sea of love energy…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 286/1016 – 9/27/2016


i love the image that always dances on the edge of consciousness of all that is as a dancing light wave, a weather pattern of ecstatic motion mirrored in the fractal image of all that is as a pilgrim people always on the move into ever deepening journey…

on this lovely portal day of 9/9/9 as sister moon darkens, are you, as i am, in joy/enjoying seeing in the dark guided by the stars above re-membering we are one starlight vessel of overflowing love?

seeing in the dark, dancing in the dark, feeling the way lands me in a beautiful pause, an ecstatic moment right in the center of the turning wheel in the stillpoint of creation where there’s only the dance of ecstatic motion, the universe alive in dynamic devotion…

thank you, beloveds,for walking this spirit path with me… for dancing rainbow mystery ecstatically…