Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 285- 9/27/2023

i love this image that often dances on the tip of consciousness of all that is as a dancing light wave, a weather pattern of ecstatic motion mirrored in the fractal image of all that is as a pilgrim people always on the move into ever deepening endless journeying…

today is  one beautiful moment of unfolding mystery, all the sweeter for returning to the sacred dream space of reflection to contemplate this deep passage of surrendering into love, of coming home to the mystery of innerstanding in the context of the sacred knowing of interbeing…

on this lovely portal day as sister moon lightens, are you, as i am, in joy/enjoying seeing in the dark guided by the stars above re-membering we are one starlight vessel of overflowing love?

seeing in the dark, dancing in the dark, feeling the way lands me in a beautiful pause, an ecstatic moment right in the center of the turning wheel in the stillpoint of creation where there’s only the dance of ecstatic motion, the universe alive in dynamic devocean…

thank you, beloveds, for dan-sing on the edge and walking this spirit path with me… for dancing rainbow mystery ecstatically and resting in the peace of each moment eternally…


The Peace of Wild Things

“When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.”

~ Wendell Berry~



Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 319 – 10/31/2022

dan-sing in the dark

seeing spirit everywhere

 ancestors guide us home


on this very night of all hallows eve, let’s begin with the astonishing light of our inner being/interbeing by opening to the lamp of our one cosmic heart being lit by a thousand fold lights and now that we are feeling the inner light, let’s move on to the dancing in the dark that samhain, all hallows eve, all hollows eve constellates, for on this very night it is known to those initiated in great mysteries that both the souls of the trapped will be freed and that the inverse reality of souls serving the other side of the lower world will  come topside to create their own ability to remain amongst the world of the living… this gateway creates an opportunity to repent, clear karma, raise consciousness and return to love once more…

great homage is given to the ancestors who come and go through the making of potions and preparation of food made for both the living and for those loved ones who have passed and are unable to participate in the physical expression of ingesting the libation offerings…

the celebration of samhain, all hallows eve, all hollows eve and the energies of this profound portal  represent  the veils of consciousness thinning within us, our hollowing, hallowing and our ability to transcend darkness and density into light as we metaphorically bubble in the cauldron of transformation with the potions where we move from death to rebirth in a sangha field, true refuge in the rains’ deluge… sacred space built on compassion, generosity, harmony and lovingkindness with a mission to liberate all prisons… in this place devoted to honoring the ancestors while serving all with every breath as a practice of dharma, every breath an exhalation of love, we arrive and come home to our one heart living with all in harmony…

may we all breathe together, conspire… may we all breathe together more and more loving presence and more and more trust and more and more surrender into the creative process of love where we are all walking each other home into the heart of the present moment, the only moment, the all that is… may we all breathe together in perfect cosmic harmony where all is well eternally…

love, love, love from the waxing moon and this night of the dark portal from whence we all come and will return… tending the fires and stirring the cauldron of transformation are calling us, singing us – may we hollow in and answer the call…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 307 – 10/19/2022

“When we merge our internal rhythms with the rhythms of creation, we develop grace in our movement, and without thought or effort we are able to slide into the perfectly choreographed dance of life.”

~ Sherri Mitchell ~

hell yes! sherri’s sage words reflect the intention and quest i(‘m)on and live into with every breath – what will you do this sacred moment of eternity with your one wild and precious life to merge with the rhythms of creation?

it is also such a gift to have the words credited to Emma Goldman singing me as well, “It’s not my revolution if i can’t dance to it.” yes, in these topsy-turvy times how necessary to be in communion with imaginal cells as we face into a collective dark night filled with challenges calling us to deepen into the common union of our one heart, the community, the common unity of dwelling with each other surrendered to love…

we are in such an intense inflection point, moving from a false consciousness of fear and separation to the true reality of  love and unity… can you feel this new world breathing? breathing us into deeper ensouled presence? can you let go so deeply courageously leaping into the creative fires of the cauldron that you are transformed and purified into the heart of great mystery?

so, now i’ve turned the tables on you and asked of you the same question that lives me – excited to hear how you are living your life more and more in concert with creation…

yes, our true nature as imaginal cells is dan-sing us  home together…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 319 – 10/31/2021

as darkness draws near, reflect on the year

as light goes within, let the hollowing dance begin…

today as we celebrate a treasure trove of riches, let’s begin with the astonishing light of our inner being/interbeing by opening to the lamp of our one cosmic heart being lit by a thousand fold lights…

now that we are feeling the inner light, let’s move on to the dancing in the dark that samhain, all hallows eve, all hollows eve constellates, for on this very night, it is known to those initiated in the great mysteries that both the souls of the trapped will be freed and that the inverse reality of the souls serving the other side of the underworld will  come topside to create their own ability to remain amongst the world of the living… this gateway creates an opportunity to repent, clear karma, raise consciousness and return to love once more…

great homage is given in this portal to the ancestors who come and go by the making of potions and preparation of food made for both the living and for those loved ones who have passed and are unable to participate in the physical expression of ingesting the libation offerings…

the celebration of the energies of this profound portal  represent the veils of consciousness thinning within us, our hollowing, hallowing and our ability to transcend darkness and density into light as we metaphorically bubble in the cauldron of transformation with the potions where we move from death to rebirth in a sangha field, true refuge in the rains’ deluge… sacred space built on compassion, generosity, harmony and lovingkindness with a mission to eradicate all suffering… in this place devoted to honoring the ancestors while serving all with every breath a practice of dharma, every breath an exhalation of love, we arrive and come home to our one cosmic heart living with all in harmony…

may we all breathe together… may we all breathe together more and more loving presence and more and more trust and more and more surrender into the creative process of love where we are all walking each other home into the heart of the present moment, the only moment, the all that is… may we all breathe together in perfect cosmic harmony where all is well eternally…

and this intention of our all walking each other home into the heart of the present moment brings me to one more of the treasure trove of riches on this day of blessing the space within us as we close out this moon of odyssea, magical mystery tour, and i recall that seven years ago on this turn of the wheel i announced that i would be leaving the community of creatives wher i’d been dwelling to move into blissness blue moon lodge #7 and now as i move ever more deeply into the eighth decade of this incarnation, looks like i’ll be moving shortly into blissness blue moon lodge #8 releasing the challenges of the past 11+ moons of living in a place with contaminated water where we have been advised to leave due to the danger to our lives and rebirthing in a healthy watery womb with more deeply opening to wandering in wonder and weaving the new world with wisdom…

love, love, love from the moon above and this night of the dark portal from whence we all come and will return… tending the fires and stirring the cauldron of transformation are calling us, singing us – may we hollow in and answer the call….