what a lovely celebration today is of lammas, the soular harvest when the cycle of life invites our contemplating our blessings, reaping the harvest by seeing the big picture both cosmicly and in the ground of being – what are you harvesting? what has the garden you are grown this year?
in this sacred gathering moment in the heart field with daylight hours waning dramatically, i love going within, slowing down, pausing and listening to the cosmic hum, the music of the one animating spirit flowing through you, flowing through me, flowing through all our relations…
reflecting on my garden brings me right onto the pathless path i’ve been walking for almost twenty two months or is it twenty two years or twenty two lifetimes? anyway, it’s the path where we die before we die… dying to fixed ideas of the limited self, the protective self so that we can awaken in awe to whom we truly are…
looking through poetic eyes, metaphorical eyes, we witness a pregnant lioness on a high hill looking for food for the cub growing inside… she spies a flock of sheep and leaps down, down, down dying on impact with the blow of the landing… the baby cub is raised by the sheep and lives as a sheep until one day a lion approaches the flock heading straight for the young lion sheep who’s sure the end is nigh… the older lion carries the one who thinks she’s a sheep to a crystal clear lake and when the sheep lion sees her reflection, she roars in awe, awakening to whom she really is, a being of limitless courage, limitless heart who’s here on an ensouled sacred mission…
like the lion, each of us comes in with our own pathless path which is revealed through each blow, each little death when we courageously surrender to what is breaking open to our true boundless spirit nature…
in this regenerative space fueled generously by gratitude, let’s take a wild joyride on the high tides of sister moon into the ocean of imagination and dream wildly and expansively of what we’ll cultivate in the garden of being to serve the all…
thanks be to inner spirit,the one spirit leading us to contributing in a sacred way…