Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 226 – 7/30/2023

“Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding,
the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated
as birdwings.”

~ Rumi ~


in this sacred moment of eternity on the eve of the eve of the full moon of revelation, i share this image representing the image that i am immersed in, that of the prophecy of the condor and eagle foretelling the revelation that we will return to a time of peace and harmony when these great birds of spirit fly together in balance rather than oppression and so here they are flying together painting peace across the vast rainbow skysea…

this prophecy speaks of a potential, it’s up to us to shift in consciousness which coincides with the transition of the great turning and the era of Pisces into Aquarius… we, the people living on the Earth right now, are the stewards of this transition – are we going to bring forth the potential towards harmony and balance, will we let our minds be in service to and fly with our hearts? every intention encompassing the timeless wisdom of the heart as our compass is a pulse in the web of life igniting others towards the same impulse of co-creating the 8th Fire, a new/ancient culture of spiritual transformation re-membering we are the children of the sun that never rises and never sets…