Poetic Peace Pilgrimage -Year 10 – Day 8 – 12/24/2022

today’s holi day journey is the quintessential poetic peace pilgrimage, one flowing moment of intoxication peppered with a string of hiccups, of spirits of peace, love and joy transmuting conflict, fear and sadness while carrying our one heart in a continuous blessingway deeper and deeper into incarnating, embodying the all that is…

thank you, thank you, thank you for this moment of grace, this day of pause, this season of dancing in stillness, merging the opposites into a seamless tapestry, a kaleidoscope of rainbow colored images of the many and the one…

dolphin dancing and leaping like waves flowing in the ocean… pulled by love out of my safe cove into the wider ocean of wonder, beauty, grace… i live in wonder at this journey’s unfolding in such a mysterious, serendipitous, synchronistic way and am so grateful when able to hold the tension of the opposites…

how i love this annual magical ride pulled by shamanic horses of the heart and skysea, our ever present dolphin guides who love taking us into the ocean depths  and space heights where we feel the magnetic  energy of the new moon in Capricorn on this day that hums to the tune of being presence and calls us to listen and attune to the cosmic frequency calling us home, home to the heart…

let us venture now to the river of joy below the river through that well worn wormhole, the rabbit hole, and encounter a communion of ancestors, so many members of the village impacting our destiny so profoundly… yes, today’s holi day journey is an ancestor blessingway overflowing with real eyes vision, realeyezations flowing from our sister moon about the new world we are breathing in where all our children are smiling in delight as we grow into a communal culture of light turned on by soular power to be our fullest expression and deepest purpose… to fly on the wings of love and to ground ourselves into the roots of belonging always being love, joy, peace and harmony…

breathe in this magical moment, this moment of wonder from our earth mother through our one heart and out to sky father who whispers it back to the great mother who breathes us again  and the seamless cycle of return  flows infinitely through the beyond…

one breath, one moment, one step of always being love…

happiest of trails…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 148 – 5/12/2020

it is metamorpho-sing may and the cosmic hum, el canto hondo, resounding through my being, our one being is this song of transformation… the words on this image, i call rebirth, have been a daily mantra for going on five years now, such beautiful instruction on transformation, something all relatives might want to tune into right now… thanks be for the cosmic hum singing these sounds, for the ringing of the bell entraining other bells to ring, for the dancing of the soul in the stillpoint of the cosmos, sacred space at the core of our being, our true refuge of emptiness, home sweet home, garden of the radiant wave where we return to ebb and flow with every breath, in every moment… sink down now, sync into, soften and open to the wonders of grandmother’s weaving us into a seamless tapestry, an awesome weaveolution, co-creative wespace, belonging place… home….

it seems in such perfect rhythm that this melody flows through just as venus goes retrograde, a dance that lasts for 43 days until june 24th/25th… within this powerful window, venus and we undergo a massive metamorphosis in her relationship with the sun as she rebirths as the morning star to begin her next 8 year cycle…

feminine essence, embodiment and expression of venusian energies are undergoing quantum shifting are you feeling the downloading and uprising as we return to sophia
 amplifying global star seeded consciousness…

as we all are baptized in the light of sophia’s wisdom, may we awaken to all that we are as we come home to the heart… blessed bee…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 356 – 12/7/2018

Named Descending Dec 7 Kaua'i 11-28-14 028 tiny space

living simply

simply living in the tiny space

in the center of the wheel

where all is connected, woven together

seamlessly flowing…

yes, this is quintessentially descending december, this season of the turn of the sun, this rhythmic cosmic cycle where we draw inward into the dream cave to travel in an awakened way re-membering who we truly are, freeing ourselves by widening our circle of compassion and entering te vast spaciousness of our one heart intimate with the unknowable, bearing witness to great mystery, waging a peace passing understanding, gathering together in the depths of the sea, the womb of earthmother of love energy while flying as one through eternity…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 54 – 2/8/2017

Named Freely Flowing February 8 2017 Transformation Alaska Transformation

what a day of meeting the moment fully, of sitting and standing, breathing in and out, in a space of grace, a sea of love energy, a field of mystery as i kept vigil with someone going through a narrow passageway, as i experienced a renewed awakening of a long held dream and the concomitant elimination of suffering in the form of fear and anxiety, of syncing into the kindness of rhythm when we come home to the heart, the field of unitive consciousness, the one rainbow body we are, stardust threads of luminous energy…

when in dark nights, unknown spaces, uncertain moments, always come home to the heart syncing into the  deep earth of our being, the wisdom place in the core and breathe in deeply the love we are, the most powerful healing, wholeing medicine that gives birth to a dancing star…

thousandfold thanks for walking home with me and sitting around the fire of great mystery always being love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3/3 Years – Day 327/1057 – 11/7/2016


today’s pilgrimage on the eve of election, (yes, i’m hearing on the eve of destruction and quickly transmuting it to the eve of construction) is a day of transition between pilgrimages… returning from standing rock with a day’s breather before taking off the next day for machu picchu – thanks very much to pilgrim friends who are carrying me in our one heart, that same one heart where i carry you in every moment and with every breath… thank you ee cummings for this poem of one heartedness…

strangely enough on this eve of election, i feel deep joy welling in me and truly a peace passing all understanding with a strong knowing that all is well whatever it is…

do you also feel the dream of the new world awakening? a dream as old as the mountains and hills… a dream that that will take all the love we can give… a dream alive at standing rock and all the other standing rocks all over the world… a dream of honoring our mother the earth and her waters of life and the air we breathe… a dream of re-membering the meek, the peaceful inherit the earth and share oneness with all our relations… one love, one cosmos, one family re-joy-sing that in this moment we are free…

many years ago, i began saying a little mantra that serendipitously returned today…

happy are we, healthy are we, (w)hol(l)y are we

thousandfold thanks for blessing the cosmos with peace

happy are we, healthy are we, (w)hol(l)y are we

thousandfold thanks for blessing the cosmos with peace

i’ll open this peace circle ever wider with Jane Goodall’s song of peace…

We pray to the great Spiritual Power in which
we live and move and have our being.
We pray that we may at all times
keep our minds open to new ideas and shun dogma;
that we may grow in our understanding of the nature of all living beings
and our connectedness with the natural world;
that we may become ever more filled with
generosity of spirit and true compassion and love for all life;
that we may strive to heal the hurts that we have inflicted on nature
and control our greed for material things, knowing that
our actions are harming our natural world and the future of our children;
that we may value each and every human being
for who he is, for who she is,
reaching to the spirit that is within,
knowing the power of each individual to change the world.
