Poetic Peace Pilgrimage -Year 11 – Day 8 – 12/24/2023

today’s holi day journey is the quintessential poetic peace pilgrimage, one flowing moment of intoxication peppered with a string of hiccups, of spirits of peace, love and joy transmuting conflict, fear and sadness while carrying our one heart in a continuous blessingway deeper and deeper into incarnating, embodying the all that is…

thank you, thank you, thank you for this moment of grace, this day of pause, this season of dancing in stillness, merging the opposites into a seamless tapestry, a kaleidoscope of rainbow colored images of the many and the one…

dolphin dancing and leaping like waves flowing in the ocean… pulled by love out of my safe cove into the wider ocean of wonder, beauty, grace… i live in wonder at this journey’s unfolding in such a mysterious, serendipitous, synchronistic way and am so grateful when able to hold the tension of the opposites which is no easy accomplishment in this sacred moment of unraveling…

how i love this annual magical ride pulled by shamanic horses of the heart and skysea, our ever present dolphin guides who love taking us into the ocean depths  and space heights where we feel the magnetic  energy of the waxing full moon in Cancer on this day that hums to the tune of being presence and calls us to listen and attune to the cosmic frequency calling us home, home to the heart…

let us venture now to the river of joy below the river through that well worn wormhole, the rabbit hole, and encounter a communion of ancestors, so many members of the village impacting our destiny so profoundly… yes, today’s holi day journey is an ancestor blessingway overflowing with real eyes vision, realeyezations flowing from our sister moon about the new world we are breathing in where all our children are smiling in delight as we grow into a communal culture of light turned on by soular power to be our fullest expression and deepest purpose… to fly on the wings of love and to ground ourselves into the roots of belonging always being love, joy, peace and harmony…

breathe in this magical moment, this moment of wonder from our earth mother through our one heart and out to sky father who whispers it back to the great mother who breathes us again  and the seamless cycle of return  flows infinitely through the beyond…

one breath, one moment, one step of always being love…

most peaceful of trails…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 307- 10/19/2023

these words perfectly reflect feeling echoes that have been arising the last couple of days on the pathless path as i dance suspended, out of rhythm, out of sorts… to come back into rhythm, i connect with source breathing in prana from the earth mother and up through the extended root system into every wild cell and radiating out this golden light breath into father sky and beyond while whispering thank you with every breath to great mystery for providing just what is needed trusting in divine orchestration and my intention of being open and present to whatever is…

always coming home to the heart, to the sacred gaiatree grove of peace deep within, being present in the moment, in the presence of the beloved… resting in the stillpoint, the unchanging, taking a pregnant pause in a moment of feeling so stretched and uncomfortable right before birth… in this moment of presence, i open more fully to birthing the new… surrendering to true nature, to love and co-creating from this sacred space… YES! to full blooming lotushood in a muddy pond…

and, YES! to gathering with you in this burgeoning flowering field to witness the wonder of the great turning in the midst of a difficult passage thru the birth canal and re-turning into the miracle of interbeing here now in more and more loving presence, trust, surrender and devocean…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 8 – 12/24/2020

They are the chosen ones who have surrendered.
Once they were particles of light
now they are the radiant sun.

~ Rumi ~

Holy Synchronicity/Synchronisiddhi!

 taking a sacred pause on christmas eve with my teachers of love including the one with sacred paws who is so excited by the coming of the son/sun and presence/presents…

we venture out on a pilgrimage into the light in portalandia with a thousand thousand fold other pilgrims, poets on a journey before sojourning back home in the heart with the love bug children, the merry munchkins where we take this moment, this beautiful moment to speak only of love, love in this moment, love in every moment…

may our one heart stay loving and open when we feel frayed and hurt

may we always include all our relations in love’s vast embrace

may our one heart remain pure and kind amidst the muck of life

may virtue and serenity belong to all including our enemies

may our brokenheartedness open our heart ever wider

bringing forth greater love and compassion…

may this holyday season nourish our spirit, nurture our hope, sustain us in the call for justice guided by love and inspire deep peace in the running waves of the ocean of our innermost being…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 215 – 7/19/2017

Named Jubilee July 19 Eagle Cloud Beauty

for so many days, for all days, living from the heart is being whispered through me, prayed through me, opening being, transmuting into light… now, i am carried away on the wings of sea eagle to fly next to great spirit in ever widening circles of love… come, soar, return home to the heart…

Eagle Poem

To pray you open your whole self
To sky, to earth, to sun, to moon
To one whole voice that is you.
And know there is more
That you can’t see, can’t hear
Can’t know except in moments
Steadily growing, and in languages
That aren’t always sound but other
Circles of motion.
Like eagle that Sunday morning
Over Salt River. Circles in blue sky
In wind, swept our hearts clean
With sacred wings.
We see you, see ourselves and know
That we must take the utmost care
And kindness in all things.
Breathe in, knowing we are made of
All this, and breathe, knowing
We are truly blessed because we
Were born, and die soon, within a
True circle of motion,
Like eagle rounding out the morning
Inside us.
We pray that it will be done
In beauty.
In beauty.

~ Joy Harjo ~

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 60 – 2/14/2017

Named Freely Flowing February 14 2017 Heart Solar Plexus Compassion

Happy Valentine’s Day!

today and everyday, our pilgrimage is a journey of love blessed by St Valentine, Patron  of Pilgrims, where…

every breath is a naming prayer

every step a walking meditation

bringing us home to our one cosmic heart, an ocean of devotion


dreams often inspire a flow of contemplation which inspire words and deeds… i’m in a classroom sharing with the openhearted children of the earth, sharing a heart mudra to the tune of “this little light of mine…” where you join your thumbs together for the base of the heart temple and your index fingers together for the spire which you place on your third eye to open the flow of divine light to shine through the heart as lovingkindness and compassion and then you move your hands, the heart temple of light, down to the belly, the center of being, the stillpoint, the watery womb of creation and with this movement, this simple action, our inner light, the eternal flame flows soundlessly throughout the all that is in ever widening waves, one with the tides of interbeing, the sheltering arms of the tree of life…


as we meet this moment fully, we are lovingkindness and compassion, joy dancing in swirling and whirling circles of peace passing all understanding, one with divine flow…