Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 291 – 10/3/2021


“Everyone should be born into this world happy
and loving everything.
But in truth it rarely works that way.
For myself, I have spent my life clamoring toward it.
Halleluiah, anyway I’m not where I started!

And have you too been trudging like that, sometimes
almost forgetting how wondrous the world is
and how miraculously kind some people can be?
And have you too decided that probably nothing important
is ever easy?
Not, say, for the first sixty years.

Halleluiah, I’m sixty now, and even a little more,
and some days I feel I have wings.”

~ Mary Oliver ~

oh, beloved sangha of imaginal cells, dreamweavers of wisdom and wonder, on this third day of october odyssea, ode to the sea, the magical mystery tour of pilgrimaging into the depths of our one heart offers a wealth of riches to celebrate as it is the moment of eternity of celebrating the astonishing light of being and the births of two more amazing peacemakers – St Francis and Chase the Rainbow…

after injoying some astonishing light of being moments with one who was born into this world happy loving everything and with a smile that lights up the whole cosmos, i join Mary in feeling i have wings and yes, i am flying across the vast skysea of love energy painting a world of peace…

imagine we’ve met in the field pictured here and as we deeply conspire together, breathe together, see and feel a bubble of light surrounding your physical body and extending out about four feet around you…

now imagine this bubble is a window, a circular skylight and simply with your intention open the window as wide as you can connecting with the enormous steams of light flowing down from the upper worlds, the plasma fields, the akasha, the sami, the energy flow of creation flowing through you and breaking up and releasing any blockages, issues, dams to compost them into the deep earth…

the sami, the electric light stream, continues to flow down into the earth engendering a reciprocal response from our earth mother with an ascending magnetic flow of energy of unconditional love whispering that it’s safe to be here, all is well…

feel your heart opening and your mind stilling as these two streams of energy flow simultaneously creating a sense of loving peaceful presence as we expand out and deepen further and further into the planet, the soular system, the galaxies out to the edges of creation and beyond where we experience SELF as the infinite one, the one consciousness, we are the drop dissolving into the ocean of being, surrendering to, softening into flow…

may this doorway between the worlds always stay open in each wild and beautiful moment of eternity and may we step up as conscious, co-creating imaginal cells of liberation breathing in the new /ancient cosmic template of peace, of harmony, of unity, of generosity, of beauty and belonging with all relatives real-eye-sing i am because you are…

and so it is… blessed bee eternally…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 302 – 10/13/2020

the rain spirits have returned to the pacific northwest so today’s a perfect day to cocoon and sync into the rhythm of the newborn wise old sage who’s joined our sangha and to mirror his peace and all is well energy…

this reverie sparks re-membering Joanna Macy’s recounting of the twelve centuries old Tibetan Buddhist prophecy as told to her by her teacher of shambala, the mystical land of peace and harmony which rises when the world is in danger of annihilating itself through greed and corruption…

“There comes a time when all life on Earth is in danger. Barbarian powers have arisen. Although they waste their wealth in preparations to annihilate each other, they have much in common: weapons of unfathomable devastation and technologies that lay waste the world. It is now, when the future of all beings hangs by the frailest of threads, that the kingdom of Shambhala emerges.

Now you can’t go there because it is not a place. It exists in the hearts and minds of the Shambhala Warriors. And you can’t tell a Shambhala Warrior by looking at her and him. The time is coming said Rinpoche when great courage is required of the Shambhala warriors, moral courage and physical courage and that’s because they are going to go right into the heart of the barbarian powers to dismantle their weapons.”

ah, yes, today is perfect for bathing, purifying in the waterfalls of compassion and gathering the quintessence to adventure right into the heart of dominance consciousness to de-colonize crumbling structures and co-create an interbeing consciousness of  true peace, a story to share with baby chase and all children of the earth of why we came here… to be siddhizens of shambala – wise, courageous, compassionate peacemakers/ healers using the sacred tools to first de-colonize and purify our consciousness and then role model that in every moment for all to feel and see… blessed be!

thank you beloveds for teaching by example and showing the way along the pathless path to shambala…