Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 337 – 11/18/2017

Named Numina November 18 Yosemite Fall Reflection

’tis the season of things falling away

of the great turning and looking within

all the while smiling thank you, thank you, thank you


today’s new moon in scorpio of rebirth provides a perfect backdrop for celebrating thanksgiving and the culmination of such a whirlwind half turn around the sun back to the full moon in scorpio in may… are you feeling the magic and miracle of these potent energies teaching us and showing us the way to dwell deeply in the present moment, to come fully alive, re-membering this gift of being fully alive in this moment is how we serve the whole co-creating a cosmos of prace built on justice and guided by love…


Let us know peace.
For as long as the moon shall rise,
For as long as the rivers shall flow,
For as long as the sun shall shine,
For as long as the grass shall grow,
Let us know peace.

 ~ Cheyenne Prayer ~


thank you, thank you, thank you to all relatives for walking the path home together…