Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 29 – January 14, 2014

Dream - Dolphin Cove

Celebrating birth

today on the deep blue sea

 journey into love…

Every breath today is celebration, this 29th day of pilgrimage honors the birth of my daughter and all that is for she and the all that is gives birth to me in every moment. Dancing with the sun carries me into the stillpoint of creation to dream and listen…

Named Eagle Cloud

Yes, I Am, Are You?

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Thanks

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 28 – January 13, 2014

Still Point

Today, inner sun

draws me into the stillness

of the deep blue sea…

I awaken to an outer sun; i so welcome this golden orb and my heart’s desire is to rise, commune and walk with it which i do only the journey is an inner one fueled by the light of the stillpoint transporting into dreamtime where Grandmother, Mother and Daughter travel together as Maven, Matron, and Maiden to honor birthing, the birth of the divine child here in the watery womb of creation where the dance begins. Stillness loves dancing celebrations of life, may we all dance the path of heart together wherever we may be…

Dance Sign


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 19 – January 4, 2014

Named Re-TREAT 12-13 Camp Colton Canyon CreekAwakening in the house of my grandmother to heavy grayness, i know where the journey calls me to and so i flow down, down, down to the sacred space below where i attune to hum which opens the hidden door to the tunnel of treasures. Smiling, i bow to enter and crawl on my hands and knees through the rich, dark earth guided by Blue Star…

Named Blue Star VortexHere i stand once again at the Bend in the River Beloved awed by the beauty and surprised by how low the river is. Weeping, i realize how i am to serve in this moment – as my tears raise the water level, rainmaking brings harmony…

It is good to re-member that all things belong to Oneness.



Dancing in rain is

what the rainmakers call in –

celebrating all…



Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 14 – December 30, 2013

Heartbundance Field

We are pilgrims walking

the journeys of our lives

being the path of heart.

Beginning this day

by communing with the sun

awaken the light.

Fading into night

under the glow of the moon

always being home.

We are stars dancing

celebrating our blessings

being, becoming…

Blue Star Lotus

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 9 – December 25, 2013

Named Poetic PEACE Pilgimage PathThank you, thank you, thank you for this beautiful gathering of lovers today as i live green just as the sun ordered so many moons ago for to live green is to live love… What a day of radical generosity expressed through the gifting of presence, a gift that opens the heart ever wider empowering us to see the all that is as it truly is…

Hearts Open

Breathing deeply in

through the one heart that we are,

blessed homecoming…


Celebrate Abundance Teleseminar

Celebrate the Abundance You Are!
Thursday, April 26 5 PM EDT/4 PM CDT/3PM MDT/2PM MST & PDT
Register here
In the Spirit of Pay It Forward Day on Thursday, April 26, 2012, I am offering the givers of the world an oasis to recharge, renew and refill the well of your being where we will luxuriate in the abundance that is your essence.
If you’d love a day at the spa but are being held back by money or time constraints, please join us for an hour and enter into a timeless zone where you can get in the act – abundance created together – since everything is better when we celebrate that we’re all in this together…