Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 283 – September 25, 2014

Named Blessingway 25 Celebration Sungazing at Wyeth CO Installation 015

so many moments of celebration on the rainbow trail…

dolphin dancing with cosmic pod opens portal to our one heart

tuning into cosmic hum trusting in and surrendering to divine flow

journeying to a field of peace carved by pilgrims of old who heard earth song’s call

meeting pilgrims of now in whom the song’s call resounds to immerse in beautyway

thanking all relations for walking in the sacred way…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 278 – September 20, 2014

Named Blessingway 20 Tahoma Equinox 2014 009 Sunrisea day of celebration… a friend’s visit, a magical mystery tour, sun bursting through clouds, coming home to mountain mama, traveling through the twilight zone, sunset with Tahoma’s mesmerizing light show as colors deepen from glowing white to warm peach, every breath a moment of beauty singing through our one heart, a moment of resting in the inner knowing that all is well and all will be well… yes, yes, yes…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 251 – August 24, 2014

Named Tahoma Awakening 24 Sunflower Festival Aug 2014 002

awaken today as a sunflower and so much so that i’m magically transported to a field of like beings where the more we open to the sun and flow in the light, the more we SMILE (Start My Internal Love Engine) and the more we SMILE, the more we open our one heart… are you feeling the love? meet us in the field of sun flow ers to dance in beauty celebrating our light beingness…

Jo Sun

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 200 – July 4, 2014

PEACE and Love quote

Happy 200 Days of Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage on the 238th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, a day i’ve been celebrating as Interdependence Day and Inner Dependence Day, a day of realizing we are one, of being peace and love… At the most basic level the Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage is a daily practice of breathing deeply through our one heart…

Named Ocean 5-13-2009


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 153 – May 18, 2014

Named Whalewatching 2014 028

a day of incredible beauty and blessings on the rainbow trail, moment after moment of re-membering and awakening to our life as fragile and as impermanent as sea foam bubbles on the sand and as eternal and rhythmic as the ocean waves flowing home to shore and returning to source with every breath…

a day of witnessing and appreciating the communion of saints surrounding me and sharing the exquisite grace and gifts of being and becoming, a day of dreams resurrecting and presenting themselves as orbs lighting the path…

thank you, thank you, thank you…




Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 143 – May 8, 2014

Named Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Water Falling Jan 2014 010

Last week on the journey, i felt physically as if everything was crumbling and this week electronically everything has been crumbling and i’ve been wondering what it’s about all this breaking down and what kind of breakthrough is birthing… After some restful sleep, it came to me that it’s like a dam has been crumbling, a dam that obstructed flow has been breaking down, or, as in pregnancy, my water has broken… Anyway, i am now undammed, flowing freely, caterpillar transformed into butterfly, river rebounding… Perfect timing for an Epiphany Re-TREAT weekend…

Celebrating this pilgrimage day by dancing with you…

Dance Sign