“Under pressure, we do not rise to the level of our aspirations. We fall to the level of our training.”
~ Bruce Lee ~
today, bruce’s words flow through me in such a deeper way… i awaken knowing i am scheduled for treatment at the hospital and i don’t think i have it in me to arise and get myself there and then the words come through, the words that have been a spiritual practice, a well-used energetic medicine for many years to simply breathe in from our earthmother who loves us so and our sky father always there to enspirit us which reminds me that today is also the 99th birthday of my earthly father, a being who always believed wholeheartedly in me…
with every step on the journey today, one baby step after another, i breathe in the loving support of the ancestors always swirling around and have the chant of thank you constantly flowing with so much appreciation to the nurses who so beautifully live beloved community re-membering we belong to each other, the more harmoniously we work together, the more healing and the more healing, health, wholeness, the more peace on every level and in every way in the cosmos…
i know how easy it is to tense up and recoil, to panic in the face of what feels like losing balance, losing control, the ”end of the world”, to go into a default place of fight, flight, fright but stop and re-member – we have been in training, in practice for these moments and a seeing clearly now response is as close as our breath, our intention, our syncing into the astonishing beauty before us, behind us, beside us, below us, above us, surrounding us, within us as we surrender into spirit, flowing in harmony with source…
si se puede, yes we can freefall into the wings of love and land in the milagro field, the ground of interbeing, the true reality of pure possibility…
let’s close this sacred ceremony with the Essene Communion for Thursday whose purpose is for us to commune with and contemplate water for water is life, the ocean of all being…
MORNING COMMUNION: Angel of WATER I invoke thee; whether lake or stream or water of the well, enter my body and become my blood. Give unto me the gift that sustains all life. Your blessings hath cleansed my spirit and quenched the thirst of my soul and as each morning comes, I shall embrace thee.
MEDITATION: As the wave of natures glory reaches its crest and then flows on, I have gained perspective. The waters that rage in the rivers and the rains that fall from the sky are the same as the blood that flows in the veins of my body. The Earth and I are one.
Evil thoughts cannot abide in a mind filled with the Light of the Law. He who hath found Peace with the Mind, hath learned to soar beyond the realm of the Angels; For I tell you truly, the lightning that cleaves the mighty oak, or the quaking that opens great cracks in the earth are as the play of children compared with the powers of thought.
EVENING COMMUNION: Angel of WISDOM I invoke thee; for only through the wisdom of the holy law doth the Angels guide the children of light. Descend upon my thinking body and enlighten my thoughts, my mind, my intentions and my deeds. To follow the holy law is the root of your blessings, and as each evening comes, I shall embrace thee.
THE BLESSING: When at first a fledgling bird tries to fly, his wings cannot support him, and he falls again and again to the earth. But he tries again and one day he soars aloft, leaving the earth and his nest far behind. And so is it with the thoughts and intentions of the Sons of Men. The longer one walks with the angels and keeps their Law, the stronger ones thoughts shall become in Holy Wisdom. The day will come when the thoughts of men will overcome even the kingdom of death and then shall he soar to everlasting life in the kingdoms of the Heavenly Father.
There is no greater power in heaven and earth than in the thoughts of the Son of Man. ~The Isaiah Effect
Each of us has deep within the knowledge of all things, and when we are ready to remember, the knowledge is there to be known. ~The Essene Book of Days
Only when we surrender to our inner nature can we begin to hear the wisdom that comes from deep within. ~The Essene Book of Days