Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 224 – 7/28/2021

“Under pressure, we do not rise to the level of our aspirations. We fall to the level of our training.”

~ Bruce Lee ~


today, bruce’s words flow through me in such a deeper way… i awaken knowing i am scheduled for treatment at the hospital and i don’t think i have it in me to arise and get myself there and then the words come through, the words that have been a spiritual practice, a well-used energetic medicine for many years to simply breathe in from our earthmother who loves us so and our sky father always there to enspirit us which reminds me that today is also the 99th birthday of my earthly father, a being who always believed wholeheartedly in me…

with every step on the journey today, one baby step after another, i breathe in the loving support of the ancestors always swirling around and have the chant of thank you constantly flowing with so much appreciation to the nurses who so beautifully live beloved community re-membering we belong to each other, the more harmoniously we work together, the more healing and the more healing, health, wholeness, the more peace on every level and in every way in the cosmos…

i know how easy it is to tense up and recoil, to panic in the face of what feels like losing balance, losing control, the ”end of the world”, to go into a default place of fight, flight, fright but stop and re-member – we have been in training, in practice for these moments and a seeing clearly now response is as close as our breath, our intention, our syncing into the astonishing beauty before us, behind us, beside us, below us, above us, surrounding us, within us as we surrender into spirit, flowing in harmony with source…

si se puede, yes we can freefall into the wings of love and land in the milagro field, the ground of interbeing, the true reality of pure possibility…

let’s close this sacred ceremony with the Essene Communion for Thursday whose purpose is for us to commune with and contemplate water for water is life, the ocean of all being…

MORNING COMMUNION: Angel of WATER I invoke thee; whether lake or stream or water of the well, enter my body and become my blood. Give unto me the gift that sustains all life. Your blessings hath cleansed my spirit and quenched the thirst of my soul and as each morning comes, I shall embrace thee.

MEDITATION: As the wave of natures glory reaches its crest and then flows on, I have gained perspective. The waters that rage in the rivers and the rains that fall from the sky are the same as the blood that flows in the veins of my body. The Earth and I are one.

Evil thoughts cannot abide in a mind filled with the Light of the Law. He who hath found Peace with the Mind, hath learned to soar beyond the realm of the Angels; For I tell you truly, the lightning that cleaves the mighty oak, or the quaking that opens great cracks in the earth are as the play of children compared with the powers of thought.

EVENING COMMUNION: Angel of WISDOM I invoke thee; for only through the wisdom of the holy law doth the Angels guide the children of light. Descend upon my thinking body and enlighten my thoughts, my mind, my intentions and my deeds. To follow the holy law is the root of your blessings, and as each evening comes, I shall embrace thee.

THE BLESSING: When at first a fledgling bird tries to fly, his wings cannot support him, and he falls again and again to the earth. But he tries again and one day he soars aloft, leaving the earth and his nest far behind. And so is it with the thoughts and intentions of the Sons of Men. The longer one walks with the angels and keeps their Law, the stronger ones thoughts shall become in Holy Wisdom. The day will come when the thoughts of men will overcome even the kingdom of death and then shall he soar to everlasting life in the kingdoms of the Heavenly Father. 

There is no greater power in heaven and earth than in the thoughts of the Son of Man. ~The Isaiah Effect

Each of us has deep within the knowledge of all things, and when we are ready to remember, the knowledge is there to be known. ~The Essene Book of Days

Only when we surrender to our inner nature can we begin to hear the wisdom that comes from deep within. ~The Essene Book of Days

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 171 – 6/5/2021

today is filled to overflowing with so much to honor… it is World Environment Day and with our crisis of climate change, our attention is so riveted here… it is Breonna Taylor’s 28th birthday, tragically she was murdered by police in her home in March of last year while the world over we still mourn the murder of George Floyd who is bringing us together to say enough!… enough to systemic racism which dehumanizes us all and this reminds me of another George Floyd – Martin Luther King – which weaves right into today which is also the 53rd anniversary of the shooting of Robert F Kennedy, a man who suffered deeply following the assassination of his brother, a man who faced darkness, who tamed the savage forces and transmuted them into a widening circle of compassion…

 let us return now to Bobby and Martin today and the wisdom we can derive from re-membering Bobby’s words and actions of wise leadership to help with grief in a moment of volcanic eruption…

I have bad news for you, for all of our fellow citizens, and people who love peace all over the world, and that is that Martin Luther King was shot and killed tonight.

Martin Luther King dedicated his life to love and to justice for his fellow human beings, and he died because of that effort.

In this difficult day, in this difficult time for the United States, it is perhaps well to ask what kind of a nation we are and what direction we want to move in. For those of you who are black–considering the evidence there evidently is that there were white people who were responsible–you can be filled with bitterness, with hatred, and a desire for revenge. We can move in that direction as a country, in great polarization–black people amongst black, white people amongst white, filled with hatred toward one another.

Or we can make an effort, as Martin Luther King did, to understand and to comprehend, and to replace that violence, that stain of bloodshed that has spread across our land, with an effort to understand with compassion and love.

For those of you who are black and are tempted to be filled with hatred and distrust at the injustice of such an act, against all white people, I can only say that I feel in my own heart the same kind of feeling. I had a member of my family killed, but he was killed by a white man. But we have to make an effort in the United States, we have to make an effort to understand, to go beyond these rather difficult times.

My favorite poet was Aeschylus. He wrote: “In our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.”

What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence or lawlessness; but love and wisdom, and compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice toward those who still suffer within our country, whether they be white or they be black.

So I shall ask you tonight to return home, to say a prayer for the family of Martin Luther King, that’s true, but more importantly to say a prayer for our own country, which all of us love–a prayer for understanding and that compassion of which I spoke.

We can do well in this country. We will have difficult times; we’ve had difficult times in the past; we will have difficult times in the future. It is not the end of violence; it is not the end of lawlessness; it is not the end of disorder.

But the vast majority of white people and the vast majority of black people in this country want to live together, want to improve the quality of our life, and want justice for all human beings who abide in our land.

Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world.

Let us dedicate ourselves to that, and say a prayer for our country and for our people.”

yes, may we dedicate ourselves to peace and say a prayer, an intention for the usa, the planet, the cosmos and all our relatives real-eye-sing we are one interconnected being belonging to each other…

may this day be blessed with gifts, lessons, understanding and friends… may our energy be a gift to all we meet… let us be centered, healing and open facing the day with courage, kindness, insight and compassion… may we honor this day…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 266 – 9/8/2018

Named Sacred 8 Love and Compassion

today, the pilgrimage delivers me into a community, truly, a common unity of love and compassion and generosity as  a large circle comes together on this day of climate rise and this day honoring Mother Mary’s birth and this eve of the new moon of  planting seeds   of love, compassion and encouragement for the brokenhearted living in the gap of the world that is and the world that can be… seeking wisdom for how we hold ourselves with integrity through our collective dark night and awakening, i turn to one who speaks eloquently on this essential question, one on which our survival depends…

HH the Dalai Lama on Global Compassion:

“I believe that at every level of society—familial, national and international—the key to a happier and more successful world is the growth of compassion. We do not need to become religious, nor do we need to believe in a particular ideology. All that is necessary is for each of us to develop our good human qualities. I believe that the cultivation of individual happiness can contribute in a profound and effective way to the overall improvement of the entire human community.

We all share an identical need for love, and on the basis of this commonality, it is possible to feel that anybody we meet, in whatever circumstances, is a brother or sister. No matter how new the face or how different the dress or behavior, there is no significant division between us and other people. It is foolish to dwell on external differences because our basic natures are the same.

The benefits of transcending such superficial differences become clear when we look at our global situation. Ultimately, humanity is one and this small planet is our only home. If we are to protect this home of ours, each of us needs to experience a vivid sense of universal altruism and compassion. It is only this feeling that can remove the self-centered motives that cause people to deceive and misuse one another. If you have a sincere and open heart, you naturally feel self-worth and confidence, and there is no need to be fearful of others.

The need for an atmosphere of openness and cooperation at the global level is becoming more urgent. In this modern age, when it comes to dealing with economic situations there are no longer familial or even national boundaries. From country to country and continent to continent, the world is inextricably interconnected. Each country depends heavily on the others. In order for a country to develop its own economy, it is forced to take seriously into account the economic conditions of other countries as well. In fact, economic improvement in other countries ultimately results in economic improvement in one’s own country.

In view of these facts about our modern world, we need a total revolution in our thinking and our habits. It is becoming clearer every day that a viable economic system must be based on a true sense of universal responsibility. In other words, what we need is a genuine commitment to the principles of universal brotherhood and sisterhood. This much is clear, isn’t it? This is not just a holy, moral or religious ideal. Rather, it is the reality of our modem human existence.

If you reflect deeply enough, it becomes obvious that we need more compassion and altruism everywhere. This critical point can be appreciated by observing the current state of affairs in the world, whether in the fields of modern economics and health care, or in political and military situations. In addition to the multitude of social and political crises, the world is also facing an ever-increasing cycle of natural calamities. Year after year, we have witnessed a radical shifting of global climatic patterns that has led to grave consequences: excessive rain in some countries that has brought serious flooding, a shortage of precipitation in other countries that has resulted in devastating droughts. Fortunately, concern for ecology and the environment is rapidly growing everywhere. We are now beginning to appreciate that the question of environmental protection is ultimately a question of our very survival on this planet. As human beings, we must also respect our fellow members of the human family: our neighbors, our friends, and so forth. Compassion, loving-kindness, altruism, and a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood are the keys not only to human development, but to planetary survival.

The success or failure of humanity in the future depends primarily upon the will and determination of the present generation. If we ourselves do not utilize our faculties of will and intelligence, there is no one else who can guarantee our future and that of the next generation. This is an indisputable fact. We cannot place the entire blame on politicians or those people who are seen as directly responsible for various situations; we too must bear some responsibility personally. It is only when the individual accepts personal responsibility that he or she begins to take some initiative. Just shouting and complaining is not good enough. A genuine change must first come from within the individual, then he or she can attempt to make significant contributions to humanity. Altruism is not merely a religious ideal; it is an indispensable requirement for humanity at large.”

may we deeply listen and digest this wisdom of how to hold the tension in a world that breaks our hearts by responding creatively rather than reacting with retaliation and violence by re-membering who we truly are… beloveds of the beloved circle…
