welcome and blue moon blessings!
relatives, we are being lovingly invited
to spend this moment, this beautiful moment of eternity
at home in the cave of the heart with beloved community
under the second full moon in aquarius which amplifies the awakening of our common unity and collective creativity channeled into service for all cosmic relatives
where for this moment, we simply interbe presence of essence coming just as we are, our radiant, astonishing light of being true selves
endowed with a birthright of inner knowing the oneness we are and delighting in wonder, awe, bliss, compassion, flow, grace, joy, kindness and wisdom
as we drink in the blue moon rays flooding us with divine transfusions of transfiguring love and truth serum counteracting archaic conditioning no longer serving multidimensional beings of harmony consciousness, a dream arises of being in this field out beyond of beloved communion and hearing that our mission is to sing…
are you hearing beloved singing us? listen a little deeper for the cosmic hum as we suspend noise and distraction in this moment, this beautiful moment… are you hearing the whispers of the ancestors flowing through our oceanic body? ah yes, let’s pause here in the stillpoint and align with the rhythm of our one heart…
may earth’s song reach into our deepest and wildest sacred spaces… may we hear the melodic voices of all our relations… may our inhalations inspire re-joy-sing and our exhalations re-sound and re-verberate harmony throughout the watery womb of our one heart…
may we sing wherever we are, a song of compassion blessing all cosmic gardeners as we cultivate and attune with the one body/mind/soul/spirit encircling us all…
may we all live in the field of the illuminated heart… let’s close our sacred ceremony with the Essene Communion for Monday dedicating ourselves to living in the unity of our interbeing…
THE DEEPENING: God so made life and ALL living things that they, by the living word, would teach the laws of the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother, to the sons and the daughters of men.
MORNING COMMUNION: Angel of LIFE I invoke thee; for in everything that has life is the Holy Law written. In the grass, in the flowers, in the forest and in the trees. In the animals, and the birds and the fishes in the seas. All life speaks to us and if we listen, we can understand the tongue and the will of the living God.
MEDITATION: The life-force within me cries out. That which I am longs for experience and to know and to understand. May I gain the wisdom of the connectedness with all that there is, for I am the one, and I am the many.
NOON CONTEMPLATION: Peace with CULTURE. Though thy brothers be of different origin, we all do toil in the vineyard of the Earthly Mother. We all lift our voices in praise of the Heavenly Father, and together, we all break the bread of wisdom and share in the Holy feast.
EVENING COMMUNION: Angel of PEACE I invoke thee. Cast your blessings to the peoples of the world and to all that are weary or do suffer. And as long as the sun and moon endure, and throughout all the generations to come, may peace prevail over the earth as the waters cover the sea. And in remembrance of thee, I shall ever greet my brother by your name, and as each evening comes, I shall embrace thee. Peace be with you.
THE BLESSING: The whispering of a flame invokes the peace within me. Reminding me of my task and of my journey. I have been given a peaceful heart and my path is before me. I joyfully take up the task, to reach the center, and to realize that I am a channel for peace.
The Communions are a bridge between man and the angels. And like a bridge, can only be built with patience. Yea, even as a bridge over a river is fashioned stone by stone, as they are found by the water’s edge. ~Gospel of the Essenes~