Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 2 – Day 8 – 12/24/2014

Named Divine 24 Dolphin Christmas

a pilgrimage humming in the rhythm of 7 – connection, celebration, abundance, harvest, festivity, community, contemplation… dolphin dancing and leaping like a wave flowing in the ocean… pulled by love out of my cove into the wider ocean of wonder, beauty, grace… i love this journey unfolding in such a mysterious, serendipitous, synchronistic way… i love sharing the journey with you… i love walking home together… mahalo!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 365 – December 16, 2014

Named Plgrimage of PEACE Ocean 5-13-2009

one whole turn around the sun of flowing in beauty on the poetic peace pilgrimage which is quite simply breathing into presence, being the now, embracing what is and…

Named Divine 3 Kaua'i Room with a View++++

along this path of heart, this path of purification, this path of polishing the heart, i keep coming back with every breath, with every step into infinite love and gratitude, coming back home to the heart where i experience over and over again a…

Named Blessingway 11 Oregon Coast Pilgrimage July 2014 003 Wildpeace


Named Trees 28 Kaua'i 11-28-14 019 Rainbow


how i love this practice of pilgrimage, being a poet on an interior deep sea journey where we are all walking each other home…

Named Kaua'i 11-28-14 028+

and we are all…

Named Rainbow Sea of Love Harmony++

thanks for showing up with every breath and sharing the journey…

flowing in beauty

in the field of divine grace

always being the soul of that place


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 347 – November 28, 2014

Named Trees 28 Kaua'i 11-28-14 019 Rainbow

magical miraculous moment as we dance along the rainbow trail with rain softly kissing our faces and sun warmly embracing our bodies… out of the mists from the depths of the canyon, an echo of harmony resounds and colors the sky… we re-member we are boundless like the arc encircling pachamama and beautiful like the unchained melody of our multiverse…

a perfect moment in the rainbow state with hearts wide open to what is as the wind whispers bestowing blessings for all as we walk the sacred path of oneness…

mahalo… aloha…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 346 – November 27, 2014

Thank You Ocean

it’s a beautiful thanksgiving in the neighborhood… sun, sand, barefootin’ on soft green grass, gathering with the green sea turtles, gazing into and warmed by sun, cooled by brisk trade winds off an awakened sea, every step a walk in beauty, every breath, a blessingway, connecting with beloveds, old and new, communing with all our relations, celebrating the bounty of pachamama… aloha and mahalo!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 345 – November 26, 2014

Named Trees 26 Kaua'i 11-26-14 006 Abundance

for almost 3 years i’ve been dwelling in the abundance of infinite love and gratitude and today’s pilgrimage is just that… thank you for the most generous daughter and friends gifting a pilgrimage to the quintessential space of abundance to dance in beauty… the spirit of aloha flows through every breath of this blessingway, every step of this beautyway…

Named Kaua'i 11-26-14 007 Aloha

Named Kaua'i 11-26-14 009 Ocean

Named Kaua'i 11-26-14 013 Jap Garden

Named Kaua'i 11-26-14 014 Spouting Horn

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 330 – November 11, 2014

Named Trees 11  Blessingway 18 Whale Watching 2014 014 Echo-La++

awaken to whispering winds, whistling winds, blustery winds whipping around and around… like a dervish wildly dancing, i am transported into sacred space to listen to spirits, to drink them in, inspiring, in spiriting… may this moment, this wild, precious, perfect moment go on forever and ever… wrapped in flowing waves, embraced by the sea… always changing, always unchanging… rooted in present moment, trusting in winging it, knowing love is the way…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 328 – November 9, 2014

Named Trees 9 Redwood

gathering around redwood tree

with budding, beloved community

we bless this space, our sacred grove

with each of our relatives a treasure trove


touching the tree touches we

re-membering our roots – oneness reality

standing in center, standing for we

we stand with you and witness beauty


bridge to the heavens and earth far below

now lit by beloved community’s glow

wherever we wander, we are always home

re-membering by heart our redwood dome


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 288 – September 30, 2014

Named Blessingway 30 Rainbow Beauty Peeps

for this last day of soulful september’s blessingway walking the rainbow trail on the poetic peace pilgrimage, a perfect message appears…

Iraq War veteran Jacob George recently died by suicide. His poem was recently read posthumously at the White House and at the Climate Convergence in New York City at the UFPJ workshop.

Support the Troops

by Jacob George

 “we just Need to support the troops”

is what they tell me

 well, this is from a troop

so listen carefully

 what we Need are teachers who understand the history of this country

what we Need is a decent living wage, so people ain’t cold and hungry

what we Need is bicycle infrastructure spanning this beauteous nation

what we Need are more trees and less play stations

what we Need is a justice system that seeks the truth

what we Need are more books and less boots

what we Need is love

for every woman and man

from southern Louisiana

to the mountains of Afghanistan

Now, it’s true

The troops need support

the support to come home

they need treatment and jobs

and love for the soul


war ain’t no good

for the human condition

I lost a piece of who I was

on every single mission

and I’m tellin’ you,

don’t thank me for what I’ve done

give me a big hug

and let me know

we’re not gonna let this happen again

because we support the troops

and we’re gonna bring these wars to an end


May Great Spirit’s rainbow blessing flow in beauty through all my relations…

Jo Sun

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 287 – September 29, 2014

Named Blessingway 29 Dolphin Clouds

as i reflect on this past  month where the earth of being has been so moving and opening, i re-member a moon of showing up daily for blessingways trusting in inner guidance and surrendering more and more deeply to Beloved… a moon of wild outer and inner pilgrimages to places i’ve never been before always accompanied by supportive guides… a moon of flowing in beauty being the soul of the space wherever i am… a moon of dancing in the rhythm of the waves… infinite love and gratitude to all my relations for sharing this most incredible journey…