Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 181 – 6/15/2022

along with the prayer of thank you, thank you, thank you, this prayer of saint francis, these intentions, are central to, are the organizing matrix of my life… on this day of beginning the 100 day countdown, well i didn’t quite make it as today is the 98th day, to the International Day of Peace on 9/21, this prayer picture needs sharing as does the theme…

every year on 21 September, the United Nations calls on all nations and people to put down their weapons and reaffirm their commitment to living in harmony with one another and creating a culture of peace… this year’s theme of “End Racism. Build Peace” reflects the need to promote dialogue and address root causes of inequality as racism poisons societies, normalizes discrimination and spurs violence…

let us come together over the next 98 days and beyond to safeguard the rights of all and create peaceful and inclusive environments… together we can manifest this vision, our destiny as a world free of racism…

as we come together to meet the many challenges facing us, our voice is more important than ever… in these turbulent times of shifting consciousness, this International Day of Peace is dedicated to fostering dialogue and collecting ideas on healing our planet and ourselves… we can always dream together…

let us celebrate “End Racism. Build Peace.” by spreading compassion, kindness and hope in the face of the pandemics of militarism, materialism, racism, environmental disruption and poverty by standing together in unity for the benefit of all beginning in this moment with this breath… yes, let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me and thee…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 181 – 6/15/2021

along with the prayer of thank you, thank you, thank you and the ho’oponopono ancient chant, this prayer ascribed to saint francis, these intentions, are central to, are the organizing matrix of my life… on this 98th day of the 100 day countdown to the International Day of Peace on 9/21, this prayer picture needs sharing as does the theme…

every year on 21 September, the United Nations calls on all nations and people to put down their weapons and reaffirm their commitment to living in harmony with one another… this year’s theme reflects the clarity that we are not each other’s enemies, that we belong to each other and must work together as what happens in one part of the planet impacts all our relatives…

the UN chief, Antonio Guterres kicked off the 100-day countdown with the following words:

“As we strive to address the pandemic, I call on everyone to be part of a transformation for peace, by standing up against hatred & discrimination, caring for the planet, and showing global solidarity.”

to this end, i invite you to join with me in a meditation for all our relatives inspired by Sean Fargo, a former Buddhist monk…

“Today we’ll be practicing acknowledging the similarities between ourselves and others. We often focus on differences but realizing that even people who seem very different from us in fundamental ways are just like we are can become the basis of real connection. 

This can include beings we don’t know very well, beings with whom we’re in conflict, or even beings who we see as enemies. It’s possible to develop a sense of compassion and understanding by coming to feel our shared sense of experience as interbeings. This practice can help overcome that sense of difference and distrust by opening channels of compassion.

1. Let’s begin by taking a moment to invite your body to settle in a comfortable position, inviting a sense of ease and relaxation throughout the body. 

Breathing full deep breaths with a soft belly. 

Feeling grounded by feeling the weight of your body on the ground or your chair. 

And just softening around any tightness, dropping the shoulders, softening your hands, and relaxing the muscles of your face and jaw. 

And gently closing your eyes or looking downward just to limit visual distractions. 

2. Invite yourself to take a deep breath in, and a long breath out. And as you breathe out, inviting a sense of releasing any tension that you’re holding in your body. 

3. As you breathe, briefly scan through your body with your awareness, noticing any sensations or emotions, just noticing what’s predominant for you, and inviting a sense of spaciousness and acceptance for whatever you’re experiencing right now in your body or in your emotions, just acknowledging them without judging anything to be good or bad, right or wrong. 

4. Now bring someone to mind who you don’t know very well, maybe someone who seems very distant or different from you, even someone you’re in a minor conflict with. And as you bring to mind this being you may not like or know very well, just notice if you experience any shift in sensation in your body. 

Holding this being in mind as if they were right in front of you. 

5. And say to yourself, “This being has a body and a mind, just like i have.” 

“This being has feelings, emotions, and thoughts, just like i have.”

“This being has at some point in their life been sad, disappointed, angry, hurt, or confused, just like i have been.”

“This being has in their life experienced physical and emotional pain and suffering, just like i have.”  

“This being has experienced moments of peace, joy, and happiness, just like i have.”

“This being wishes to have fulfilling relationships, just like i wish.”  

“This being wishes to be healthy and loved, just like i wish.”

6. Now take a moment to sense how you’re feeling. And as you hold this being in your awareness, just notice: What do you experience? 

7. Now as you hold this being in mind, send them good wishes. May they be well, may they be happy, may they be healthy, may they live with ease. 

8. Now shifting your awareness back to your breath, breathing in, breathing out. Reconnecting with your body, feeling present, alive, connected, right here, right now.”

as we come together to meet the many challenges facing us, our voice is more important than ever… in these dynamic times of shifting consciousness, this International Day of Peace is dedicated to fostering dialogue and collecting ideas on healing our planet and ourselves… we can always dream together and spread compassion, kindness and hope in the face of the pandemics of militarism, materialism, racism, environmental disruption and health by standing together in unity for the benefit of all beginning in this moment with this breath… yes, let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me and thee…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 182 – 6/15/2020

along with the prayer of thank you, thank you, thank you, this prayer of saint francis, these intentions, are central to, are the organizing matrix of my life… on this day of beginning the 100 day countdown, well i didn’t quite make it as today is the 98th day, to the International Day of Peace on 9/21, this prayer picture needs sharing as does the theme…

every year on 21 September, the United Nations calls on all nations and people to put down their weapons and reaffirm their commitment to living in harmony with one another… this year’s theme of “Shaping Peace Together” reflects the clarity that we are not each other’s enemies, that we belong to each other and must work together as what happens in one part of the planet impacts all our relatives…

for the United Nations, 2020 was already meant to be a year of listening and learning. marking its 75th anniversary, the UN has invited millions of people worldwide to join UN75, the largest and furthest-reaching global conversation on building the peaceful and prosperous future that we want.

as we come together to meet the many challenges facing us, our voice is more important than ever… in these difficult times of physical distancing and shifting consciousness, this International Day of Peace is dedicated to fostering dialogue and collecting ideas on healing our planet and ourselves… we can always dream together…

let us celebrate “Shaping Peace Together” by spreading compassion, kindness and hope in the face of the pandemics of milatarism, materialism, racism, environmental disruption and health and standing together in unity for the benefit of all beginning in this moment with this breath… yes, let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me and thee…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 179 – 6/13/2019

Named Jelling June 13 Whale Watcing 2016 Cape Disappointment 004 PEACE Prayer.

along with the prayer of thank you, thank you, thank you, this prayer, these intentions are central to, are the organizing matrix of my life… on this day of beginning the 100 day countdown to the International Day of Peace on 9/21, this prayer picture needs sharing as does the message from the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres:

Every year on 21 September, the United Nations calls on all nations and people to put down their weapons and reaffirm their commitment to living in harmony with one another. Today, as we mark the 100-day countdown to the next International Day of Peace, I invite global reflection on this year’s timely theme.

“Climate Action for Peace” brings a clear message: the global climate emergency is a threat to security and stability. As coastal areas and degraded inland areas are becoming uninhabitable, millions of people are being forced to seek safety and better lives elsewhere. With extreme weather events and disasters becoming more frequent and severe, disputes over dwindling resources risk fueling climate-related conflict.

Last month, I visited the South Pacific and saw the challenges being endured by those on the frontlines of this existential danger. But it is not just remote islands whose future is in jeopardy. What is happening there is a sign of what is in store for all humankind. Urgent climate action is a global imperative.

To mobilize the ambition we need, I am convening a Climate Action Summit on 23 September, at UN Headquarters in New York. I have asked world leaders to come with concrete and realistic plans to rapidly accelerate action to implement the Paris Agreement, and to make a pivotal shift toward a cleaner, safer and greener future. In this endeavor, they will be backed by the passionate voices of young women and men around the world, who understand their future is at stake.

This is the [challenge] of our lives, and a race against time. We can win — and we must. Solutions are in our hands: tax pollution, not people; stop subsidizing fossil fuels; stop building new coal plants by 2020; focus on a green economy, not a grey economy. I count on your continued support as we strive to build a world where we can live every day in harmony with the environment and with each other.
yes, may we co-create a world of peace built on justice and guided by love, may it  begin this moment and may it begin with me and thee…

thank you, thank you, thank you…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 179 – 6/13/2017

Named Joyfull June 13 Whale Watcing 2016 Cape Disappointment 004 PEACE Prayer.

let us create a cosmos where PEACE is built with justice and guide by love…

today, i hear of turbulence with climate disaster in Bangladesh taking the lives of 134 souls and hear the echos of a year ago and the largest mass shooting in the USA and i come home to the heart, to the core of our being, the stillpoint of silence, sacred space of peace…

let us breathe in the golden light of the sea of love energy into every wild cell in our body and breathe out everything keeping us from feeling, from being the peace that passeth all understanding and again and again…

aum shantih shantih

aum shantih shantih

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4/4 Years – Day 8/1104 Days – 12/24/2016


today’s holi day journey is the quintessential poetic peace pilgrimage, one flowing moment of intoxication, of spirits of peace, love and joy carrying our one heart in a continuous blessingway deeper and deeper into incarnating, embodying the all that is…

thank you, thank you, thank you for this moment of grace, this day of pause, this season of dancing in stillness, merging the opposites into a seamless tapestry, a kaleidoscope of rainbow colored images of the many and the one…

so much to share today and it’s all crystallized in St Francis’s prayer… the quintessential poetic peace pilgrimage blessing which i shall resound at least once each day…