Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 36 – January 21, 2014

Blue Star Sea

Open all windows,

let sunlight come pouring in.

Awaken, arise…

Parting the veils,

peer ahead, seer of

new world breathing in

spiraling, whirling

dancing in rhythm with breeze

always flowing home.


Today, i travel with the tribe of co-hearts committed to co-creating a world we are conspiring and as we dance this path of heart, we re-member who we are, who the world is, we re-member Oneness. Thanks for sharing the journey!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 31 – January 16, 2014

Turtle Birth

Watery cycling

inspires dreams of winged flight and

innocence reborn.

Today’s journey begins in dreamtime with my riding my bike on a beautiful mountain road and i see up ahead lovely puddles to fly through and re-member how much i have always loved and still love to leap into water and to be a nomad of the sea…

What matters most in this moment? Leaping into life, being love, every breath a deeper dive into the light of the sea of love energy…

Sea Turtle 2

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 30 – January 15, 2014

Named Blue Star Spiral Path

The path meanders today… through the fog of the hospital, the chaos of the lab… And i keep tuning into the hum of blue star which guides, glides me home to the Blissness Blue Moon Lodge where i…

Named Blue Star Portal

Come home to the heart by breathing deeply through our one heart and listening for the whispers heard in the stillness, feeling essence, being love and yes, going with the flow – dancing beautyway to source…

What song is singing?

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 26 – January 11, 2014

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage JourneyAh yes, i travel, or more aptly, flow into emptiness with every moon, it always feel a little like dying, this farewell tour to holding on, hanging on by fingernails, this moving more and more fully into the present moment where everything is and is and is…

Awaken in warmth

Weaving dreams, feasting with friends

Rainbow colored sky…

Solitude Re-TREAT

in the River Beloved

being, breathing wave…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Thanks


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 25 – January 10, 2014

Named Rumi Surrender to Seahorse Love

Sea Epiphany!

Winds whisper and waves resound:

Surrender to Love.


Hell YES! This is the path, the way I dance this breath, this moment by following the course that love inspires. Many moons ago, I moved into a space of bliss filled with what made my heart smile. Dwelling in the abundance of infinite love and gratitude, flowing in the rhythm of the waves deepens every sojourner and opens each of us to the wide and deep spaciousness of the ocean of love we are.

A few moons ago, i re-committed to choosing love with every breath. Deeply into dream cycle now, i re- member how i am/we are here to be

As i live the the questions central to us all and contemplate what really matters, i always come home to love and the one heart we share. Love always finds the way, love is the way and this pilgrim loves sharing this journey with you…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Thanks


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 23 – January 8, 2014

Named Rumi Touch Sun and Sea 030


For today’s journey, I want to get out there by going in and touching the inner sun shimmering over the ocean we are – such a lovely day of gray on the outside calling us home to the heart to listen to the sounds of the waves as they/we find our way to shore and begin to breathe in the rhythm of the waves, gently ebbing and flowing, now, dreaming in rhythm with the waves…

Sol power inspires

the flowing ocean of love

to embrace us all…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 21 – January 6, 2014

Named Jan 5, 2014 Epiphany Feast

What really matters?  How do i serve?

Love is all there is.  Be love.

I am/we are Poetic PEACE Pilgrim/s pioneering the 21st Century Oregon Trail manifesting our destiny of awakening our one illuminated heart.

I am/we are Rainmaker/s re-treating into sacred space, the blessed land belonging to us, Beloved Community.

We are beings of the beautyway

dancing as stars in the sky above

painting with sand in the earth below.

We are people flowing in harmony with the river below the river.

Always being love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 19 – January 4, 2014

Named Re-TREAT 12-13 Camp Colton Canyon CreekAwakening in the house of my grandmother to heavy grayness, i know where the journey calls me to and so i flow down, down, down to the sacred space below where i attune to hum which opens the hidden door to the tunnel of treasures. Smiling, i bow to enter and crawl on my hands and knees through the rich, dark earth guided by Blue Star…

Named Blue Star VortexHere i stand once again at the Bend in the River Beloved awed by the beauty and surprised by how low the river is. Weeping, i realize how i am to serve in this moment – as my tears raise the water level, rainmaking brings harmony…

It is good to re-member that all things belong to Oneness.



Dancing in rain is

what the rainmakers call in –

celebrating all…



Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 18 – January 3, 2014

Named Light InnerHow delightful to awaken to sun, to commune with sun and to be sun on the journey. As the sun fades into gray, i feel  the radiant warmth of the inner sun infused into trillions of wild cells dancing under the waxing new moon. With each small step along the path of heart, i sing a song of love over the bones which echoes throughout the cosmos… Love is all there is, always being love, always becoming love…