Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 69 – February 23, 2014

Named N Flo Jo+

Nomad of the sea

being flowing beautyway

surrender to love


Rise up singing kissed by sun

river dancing always dreaming magic to come

gliding over stones, nothing impedes the flow

wind whispers softly to lean in and let all go.


river dancing always dreaming magic to come

earth giving thanks tuning into celestial hum

wind whispers softly to lean in and let all go

light shines brilliantly plugged into cosmic glow


earth giving thanks tuning into celestial hum

for the beautiful field of love that we have become

light shines brilliantly plugged into cosmic glow

trusting in the rhythm of eternal ebb and flow


Rise up singing kissed by sun

river dancing always dreaming magic to come

light shines brilliantly plugged into cosmic glow

trusting in the rhythm of eternal ebb and flow.

Named Kaua'i 2-10-2012

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 67 – February 21, 2014

Named Blue Star Vortex Dancing

Dancing among stars

free and easy wanderer

being great beyond


Letting go, surrendering all that is known

walking the way as a free and easy wanderer

open to what comes, eyes wide with wonder

flowing beautyway


Walking the way as a free and easy wanderer

wide open space, encircling path

flowing beautyway

whispering wisdom with each breath


Wide open space, encircling path

wanderer is bird flight soaring

whispering wisdom with each breath…

listen to the wind


Walking the way as a free and easy wanderer

open to what comes, eyes wide with wonder

listen to the wind

flowing beautyway

Named Walking Home 045+

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 61 – February 15, 2014


Sea of gray calmness

envelopes the earth today

Rainbow dances in


Rainbow Field

The SHERO Journey to SELF™, the Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage, today is crystallized in the above images and haiku. Awakening to a day of downpours, i travel to Acculand and spend the day inside with my crown Jules. The moment harmony is reached, the rainbow appears and we breathe this deeply through our one heart…

Happiest of Trails!

Named Spiral



Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 58 – February 12, 2014

Named Oregon Japanese Garden 2-12-14 WaterfallOn the road again… Yes, Baby Blue returned home from the hospital, the snows melted and so we climbed the hill up to the Garden of Zen to be in the moment in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Breathe this in… all the beauty and peace…

Flowing in beauty

in the garden of zen

how i love to come here

again and again


Zen tree talks to me

in the stillness and i listen.

Hear the heart whispers?

Named Oregon Japanese Garden 2-12-14 Tree

This sacred space inspires me to be this moment, to be this tree, down to bare bones celebrating the fluid dance of being and becoming…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 55 – February 9, 2014

Friends RekindleAwakened to a frozen world on with everyone encouraged to stay in and i am content to hibernate another day, to be on freeze frame… This past week has so centered on being still, letting go, flowing with what is… As cold as it has been, thank goodness for all the beautiful souls who keep the fires burning and whose very presence kindles creative fire anew.

Thank you for being and spreading wildfire.

Love Magic Spread


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 53 – February 7, 2014

Rumi Let waters settleThe journey today is letting the tidal wave settle in as in settling down, it has been such a wild whale ride these last three days before the return pilgrimage to where it began and to celebrate eleven moons of rainbow being and becoming…

As the water crystal stars fall from the sky, take a deep breath in with me from the belly of our earth mother and let’s go down, down, down under the sea to a magical place of creativity…

Named Ocean 5-13-2009Let’s take another deep breath through our one heart being, feeling this sacred space of dancing rainbow mystery. As we take another deep breath opening our one heart wider, see the rainbow appearing in the midst of the snow and let it settle in your open hand…

Rainbow in handsNow, as we breathe in and are rainbow miracle flow, open your heart to this magical, as in change of consciousness, reality and see our world as it truly is…

Rainbow SkyThank you, thank you, thank you for this beautiful moment…

Named Spiral





Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 51 – February 5, 2014

Flow, Let goToday’s journey has been filled with all kinds of twists and turns i didn’t see coming although i seem to re-member saying that i was open to receiving… At first the tidal wave brought in all kinds of exciting things that i so enjoyed sinking into and then some debris started washing in behind. Now, i breathe in the rhythm of the waves being ebb and flow and ebb and flow.

A small act of vandalism on the road today will not stop the pilgrimage, rather, it shall fuel it moving me to cleanse with ho’oponopono – i’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, i love you…

Happy Trails!

Metta Prayer


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 45 – January 30, 2014

Named Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Jan 2014 011


“Place yourself in the middle of the stream of power and wisdom which flows into your life. Then, without effort, you are impelled to truth and to perfect contentment.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The light of our super moon inspires me early on and this post including picture is ready to go when i see that the very same sister pilgrim pictured above has posted on another site an Emerson quote which says what had flowed through me on awakening as i mused on the new seed of this new moon. Holy Synchronicity!

Flowing in beauty down to the sea

Being the soul of wherever i may be

When cold feet impede, wings carry me

Over the bridge into the sea


Being the soul of wherever i may be

Feeling the new moon rising in me

Over the bridge into the sea

Dancing rainbow infinity


Feeling the new moon rising in me

I sway with you, you sway with me

Dancing rainbow infinity

Over the bridge into the sea


Being the soul of wherever i may be

Dancing rainbow infinity

I sway with you, you sway with me

Flowing in beauty down to the sea

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 41 – January 26, 2014

Dance Spirit


Dance, dance wherever we may be

We are the soul of the place said she

And we’ll co-create wherever we may be

And we’ll co-create in harmony…

This Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage is taking on such a life of its own and unfolding into such an amazing walk in beauty, i just feel like dancing. What a gift and a blessing to share the journey of the labyrinth leading us home. I so love the generosity of spirit i find in all pilgrims and the getting down to bare bones, to essence. It feels like we are dancing to the tune of the same soul song…

Dance, dance wherever we may be

We are the soul of the place said she

And we’ll co-create wherever we may be

And we’ll co-create in harmony…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 39 – January 24, 2014

Named dance


Stretching, baby stepping, dancing today as moon’s glow fades into brilliant sun light and a journey through a tube turns into a quest to reach the mountain top. The view from the aerie – panoramic and breathtaking – aligns perfectly with the soul of this place, sacred space to co-create the beautyway we be. Flowing like a river to source, we come home to the heart – how i love sharing the journey with you!