Poetic Peace Pilgrimage -Year 11 – Day 22 – 1/7/2024

like Thay and thousands of others, i walk in peace feeling the spaciousness of the pathless path of heart… what a delight it is to gather with other sojourners on the buen camino to share in a collective dreaming process where we contemplate intentions for this moment, this moon cycle, this turn of the wheel and listen for pachamama’s song arising from the womb of the earth, both inner and outer…

ah, yes, this moment, this beautiful moment is just right for dreaming, for moonifesting a world of peace built on justice and guided by love while our creative process seeds the field… so, join me in attuning to this frequency… soften your eyes, deepen your breath, smile inwardly saying thank you, thank you, thank you for… all things bright and beautiful, rainbows, hope, sun and moon, stars and seas, friends and family, all our relations, love, peace, harmony, justice… re-membering our true nature…


“The creative state of mind … is, first of all, one whose interest in what is being done is wholehearted and total, like that of a young child. With this spirit, it is always open to learning what is new, to perceiving new differences and new similarities, leading to new orders and structures…

…to awaken the creative state of mind is not at all easy. …it is one of the most difficult things that could possibly be attempted. Nevertheless… I feel that it is for each of us individually and for society as a whole the most important thing to be done in the circumstances in which humanity now finds itself.”

~ David Bohm ~

may we all awaken to our child heart, our seedbed of creativity, in each moment listening, listening, listening for the cosmic heart song… may the song reach us in our wildest and deepest places inspiring our howling with the wolves and the whales – all is well, all is well and all shall be well…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 278- 9/20/2023

today is the eve of the International Day of Peace, a day where thousands will create, are already creating a huge wave of peace flowing across the planet… to honor this wave of peace pouring onto the cosmos…

“I offer you peace.
I offer you love.
I offer you friendship.
I see beauty.
I hear your need.
I feel your feelings.
My wisdom flows from the Highest Source.
I salute the Source in you.
Let us work together for unity and love.”
~Gandhi’s Prayer for Peace~


Peace to all beings
Whether near or far
Known or unknown
Real or imaginary
Visible or invisible
Born or yet to be born.
May all beings
Be well and happy
And free from fear.
Peace to all beings
Within and beyond the imagination
In the world of ideas
In the world of memories
And in the world of dreams.
May all beings
Be well and happy
And free from fear.
Peace in all elements
Of earth, air, fire and water
Fulfilled in space
Peace in all universes
From the smallest cells in our bodies
To the greatest galaxies in space
And light rising
Peace to all beings
Within each being here
To those beings that have been in the past
And to those beings that are yet to be in the future
May all beings
Within each being here
Be well and happy
And free from fear.”

~Buddhist Prayer~


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 10 – Day 22 – 1/7/2023

like Thay and thousands of others, i walk in peace feeling the spaciousness of the pathless path of heart… what a delight it is to gather with other sojourners on the buen camino to share in a collective dreaming process where we contemplate intentions for this moment, this moon cycle, this turn of the wheel and listen for pachamama’s song arising from the womb of the earth, both inner and outer…

ah, yes, this moment, this beautiful moment is just right for dreaming under the full moon of the mother, the magi, for moonifesting a world of peace built on justice and guided by love while our creative process seeds the field… so, join me in attuning to this frequency… soften your eyes, deepen your breath, smile inwardly saying thank you, thank you, thank you for… all things bright and beautiful, rainbows, hope, sun and moon, stars and seas, friends and family, all our relations, love, peace, harmony, justice… re-membering our true nature…


“The creative state of mind … is, first of all, one whose interest in what is being done is wholehearted and total, like that of a young child. With this spirit, it is always open to learning what is new, to perceiving new differences and new similarities, leading to new orders and structures…

…to awaken the creative state of mind is not at all easy. …it is one of the most difficult things that could possibly be attempted. Nevertheless… I feel that it is for each of us individually and for society as a whole the most important thing to be done in the circumstances in which humanity now finds itself.”

~ David Bohm ~

may we all awaken to our child heart, our seedbed of creativity, in each moment listening, listening, listening for the cosmic heart song… may the song reach us in our wildest and deepest places inspiring our howling with the wolves and the whales – all is well, all is well and all shall be well…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 22 – 1/7/2020

like Thay, i walk in peace feeling the spaciousness of the pathless path of heart… what a delight it is to gather with other sojourners on the buen camino to share in a collective dreaming process where we contemplate intentions for this moment, this moon cycle, this turn of the wheel and listen for pachamama’s song arising from the womb of the earth…

ah, yes, this moment, this beautiful moment is just right for dreaming under the waxing full moon, for moonifesting a world of peace built on justice and guided by love while our creative process seeds the field… so, join me in attuning to this frequency… soften your eyes, deepen your breath, smile inwardly saying thank you, thank you, thank you for… all things bright and beautiful, rainbows, hope, sun and moon, stars and seas, friends and family, all our relations, love, peace, harmony, justice… re-membering our true nature…


“The creative state of mind … is, first of all, one whose interest in what is being done is wholehearted and total, like that of a young child. With this spirit, it is always open to learning what is new, to perceiving new differences and new similarities, leading to new orders and structures…

…to awaken the creative state of mind is not at all easy. …it is one of the most difficult things that could possibly be attempted. Nevertheless… I feel that it is for each of us individually and for society as a whole the most important thing to be done in the circumstances in which humanity now finds itself.”

~ David Bohm ~


may we all awaken to our child heart, our seedbed of creativity, in each moment listening, listening, listening for the cosmic heart song… may the song reach us in our wildest and deepest places inspiring our howling with the wolves and the whales – all is well, all is well and all shall be well…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 279 – 9/21/2019

Named Soaring 21 2019 PEACE-Flight

“Empty yourself of everything.  Let the mind rest at peace.  The ten thousand things rise and fall while the Self watches their return.  They grow and flourish and then return to the Source.  Returning to the Source is stillness, which is the way of Nature.  The way of Nature is unchanging.”  ~Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching

what an extraordinary/ordinary anniversary day marking the 45th moment of sun gazing on the 279th day of the poetic peace pilgrimage in the 9th moon on my mother’s 95th birthday which falls on the International Day of Peace – such a wealth of riches… the energy of 9 is reverberating and echoing and cascading today… harvesting, completion, letting go… a moment of saluting endings/beginnings, evolving into light, expanding into love… embodying 9’s energy as Hermit, Hermes with the lamp radiating wisdom for all to share, riding a peace wave of superabundance flowing in the blessingway of unconditional infinite love and gratitude… may we all rest peacefully in the lap of the divine mother warmed by the embrace of the central sun…

and, may this celebration of peace take flight around the world with every breath, in every moment, on every day… may we be peace now and now and now…


Chinook Blessing

We call upon the earth, our planet home, with its beautiful depths and soaring heights,

its vitality and abundance of life, and together we ask that it

Teach us, and show us the Way.

We call upon the mountains, Saddle mountain and Wahkiakum mountain, the Willapa Hills, the summits of intense silence, and we ask that they:

Teach us, and show us the Way.

We call upon the waters that rim the earth, the waters of

Our great river the I-a-gayte-imas, the waters of Willapa Bay,

And all of the waters the flowing [sic] our rivers and streams, the water that falls

Upon us, and we ask that they

Teach us, and show us the Way.

We call upon the land which grows our food, the nurturing

Soil that sustains our lives, we ask that they

Teach us, and show us the Way.

We call upon the forests, the great cedar trees reaching

Strongly to the sky  with earth in their roots and the heavens in their

Branches, cedar tree is the keeper of all

Knowledge, and we ask them to

Teach us, and show us the Way.

We call upon the creatures of the fields and forests and the

Seas, our brothers and sisters Lilu the Wolf, Emulak the elk,

And Mauich the Deer, Chak-cahk the Eagle, the great

Whales and the Sturgeon, and the Salmon people who share

Our Chinook waters

Teach us, and show us the Way.

We call upon all those who have lived on this earth, our

Ancestors and our friends, who dreamed the best for future

Generations, and upon whose lives our lives are built, and

With thanksgiving, we call upon them to

Teach us, and show us the Way.

And lastly, we call upon all that we hold most sacred, the

Presence and power of the Great Spirit

Which flows through all the Universe, to be with us to

Teach us, and show us the Way.

Delivered by Chinook Tribal Chief Gary Johnson in Chinook homelands, November 18, 2005.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 278 – 9/20/2018

Named Sacred 20 Lovingkindness Wedding Trip Pilgrimage 047 Oceanside Cape Meares

today is the eve of the International Day of Peace, a day where thousands will create, are already creating a huge wave of peace flowing across the planet… to honor this wave of peace pouring onto the cosmos…

I offer you peace.
I offer you love.
I offer you friendship.
I see beauty.
I hear your need.
I feel your feelings.
My wisdom flows from the Highest Source.
I salute the Source in you.
Let us work together for unity and love.
~Gandhi’s Prayer for Peace~

Peace to all beings
Whether near or far
Known or unknown
Real or imaginary
Visible or invisible
Born or yet to be born.
May all beings
Be well and happy
And free from fear.
Peace to all beings
Within and beyond the imagination
In the world of ideas
In the world of memories
And in the world of dreams.
May all beings
Be well and happy
And free from fear.
Peace in all elements
Of earth, air, fire and water
Fulfilled in space
Peace in all universes
From the smallest cells in our bodies
To the greatest galaxies in space
And light rising
Peace to all beings
Within each being here
To those beings that have been in the past
And to those beings that are yet to be in the future
May all beings
Within each being here
Be well and happy
And free from fear.

~Buddhist Prayer~

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 79 – 3/5/2018

Named Meditative March 5 Plgrimage of PEACE Ocean 5-13-2009

honoring this day of quintessence when the Poetic Peace Pilgrimage was conceived  on this fifth day five years ago…

awakening with cold feet on this day to go wild,

to warm them up, i begin with a SMILE…

flowing in love now, each breath a thanksgiving,

being love in this moment, every breath a peace prayer passing all understanding…


breathing deeply in our one heart’s embrace,

dancing silence and stillness in this field of grace

reverencing the beauty of a new born rose,

opens the heart wider melting ice floes


Poetic PEACE Pilgrim now prepares to march forth

flowing in rhythm, one with source

tuning into the cosmic hum

surrendering and trusting in what’s to come…


free and easy wanderer, dancing star,

when cold feet return and doubts arise,

come home to the breath with closed eyes

come home to the breath, wanderer from afar…


may we all be empty bowls to be filled to overflowing with lovingkindness and peace passing understanding…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 5 – Day 67 – 2/21/2018

Named Freely Flowing 21 Peace Imagine

Happy 60th Birthday, Peace Symbol!

 “Children of today easily identify it. They may not know its original meaning, but they know it stands for good things – be nice to friends, be kind to animals, no fighting. This is a marvelous achievement for Gerald Holtom’s simple design. Peoples around the world have marched with it, worn it, displayed it during combat, held it high on banners, and been arrested in its name. Ask any man, woman or child, ‘What one thing would everyone in the world want more than anything else?’ The answer would surely be world peace.’”

Ken Kolsbun, Peace: The Biography of a Symbol

on this day of walking into the unknown through a field of  impermanence, a day when peace is so called for, it is a beautiful synchrony that it’s the re-birthday of peace…

Gerald Holtom, an artist and conscientious objector, created the Peace Symbol on February 21,1958. According to Christopher Driver, author of The Disarmers: A Study in Protest, Holtom created the design and then brought it to an organizer of a local British peace group. After several revisions, it was unveiled publicly on Good Friday of that year, by anti-nuclear demonstrators — the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) — who marched 50 miles from London’s Trafalgar Square to the weapons factory at Aldermaston. It was the first Ban-the-Bomb March.

When Gerald Holtom, a British designer and former World War II conscientious objector, sat down at his drawing board fifty-nine years ago, he was in almost total despair. He later told the editor of Peace News: ‘I was in despair. Deep despair. I drew myself: the representative of an individual in despair, with hands palm outstretched outwards and downwards in the manner of Goya’s peasant before the firing squad. I formalized the drawing into a line and put a circle round it symbolizing Earth.”

Welcome “International Peace Symbol Day.”  May we continue hoisting peace proudly everywhere weaving the remedy for despair…  Peace Out!