Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 218 – July 22, 2014

Named Radical Joy 22  Kaua'i Room with a View++++

today, i journey through the heart to the heart chakra of our planet for sacred re-creation which was ever so called for by a dream of having my pocketbook taken leaving me without identification…. for many days, i feel an inner fire burning away anything that does not serve and the dream points to just that… when i recheck my bag, i see my wallet is there along with the most vital id…

218 days on the journey of a lifetime, an amazing deepening into being – present to, trusting in, surrendering to and aligned with the divine… a flowing in beauty being the soul of the space, a dancing grace… thank you, thank you, thank you…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 215 – July 19, 2014

Named Radical Joy 19 Japanese Garden Tanabata Festival July 2014 030

In honor of a beautiful pilgrimage for all, sacred words from the Dine’

In beauty may I walk
All day long may I walk
Through the returning seasons may
I walk
Beautifully will I possess again
Beautifully birds,
Beautifully joyful birds
On the trail marked with pollen
may I walk
With grasshoppers about my feet
may I walk
With dew about my feet may I
With beauty may I walk
With beauty before me may I walk
With beauty behind me may I walk
With beauty above me may I walk
With beauty all around me may I
In old age, wandering on a trail of
beauty, lively, may I walk
In old age, wandering on a trail of
beauty, living again, may I walk
It is finished in beauty.
It is finished in beauty.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 195 – June 29, 2014

Named Oregon Lan Su 2-26-14 Sun Reflection

On today’s journey, once again i practice wu wei or “no trying” or “no doing” or that unselfconscious state of mind where all is dynamic and effortless, everything flows… I love being a lake or rain or sun or moon or cloud or stars and i especially love being a tree – it is so easy to be a guesthouse to whatever comes… I love being quiet and listening and witnessing the beauty all around…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 179 – June 13, 2014

Trust Your Journey

riding my painted pony across the full moon enshrouded now in whiteface  with all knowing eyes peering through death mask of silence

witnessing pain, delight,  aggravation, elation, everydayness, otherworldliness and with each rolling breath infusing beauty into the all that is

transmuting all beasties into glorious light bodies dwelling with silvery moon goddess resting in her realm of stillness


Each step, each breath, i surrender to the divine…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 178 – June 12, 2014

Named Mt Adams 6-10-14 004 I'm Possible Dream

On this day of the Sagittarian Truth Speaking Full Moon under a Gemini Sun, we walk the rainbow trail into the field where we are all one in the sea of love energy and we voice, proclaim our hearts’ truest whisper to embody the fullest expression of ourselves making the Impossible Dream the I’m Possible Dream.

Being home in the heart, we come from love and speak truth to power, to limitation, to judgment, knowing the truest power is love and as we vibrate in this universal frequency the Impossible Dream is the I’m Possible Dream.

Blessings Be!

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 172 – June 6, 2014

Named Rhody Garden 6-1-14 034

Looking into the reflecting pool and moving fluidly with the currents, i love these moments of floating down the river and taking it in and breathing it out seamlessly. i love what shows up around the bend, i love what is mirrored in the outer world from inner world contemplation, i love being reunited and in communion with free and easy wanderers, i love noticing how everything in this image and the multiverse is transforming with each breath, i love being wonder…