Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 97 – March 23, 2014

Named Oregon Lan Su 2-26-14 Sun ReflectionSo many moments of beauty abounding… sunshine, blue sky, majestic mountain peaks, trees stretching their limbs in graceful symmetry… beautiful moments to breathe deeply in savoring every morsel of flowing water and floating cloud and freshly baked bread… breathing in the beautyway of co-creation, birdsong, love between all my relations, life lived from the center of the ever expanding circle… resting in and reflecting on the abundance of the multiverse… dancing deep mystery…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 93 – March 19, 2014

Fave BeautyAwakening to gray drizzle today inspires stopping the everyday world and traveling down into ocean depths where i can be a shell bathing in the sea of love, a repository of love. Even with the past few days of flowing in beauty out of the circle of limitation, I am quaking at today’s call of the wild to defy gravity even more, to break my heart open wider – am i up for this adventure? Armed with the light of the heart, can i find my way past the boulders blocking the path and the weed entanglements? Smiling and chanting thanks, i dive into the darkness breathing through our one heart in the rhythm of the waves. In the stillness of Deep Mystery, i embrace what comes content to dwell here until the way clears… letting go, being flow on the beautyway of the illuminated heart…

Named Spiral++


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 88 – March 14, 2014

Named Sunset thursday 3-13-14 007jpgLoving this magical milestone day of miracles at play in the cosmic field… Day 10 of 40 on the Journey into Radical Simplicity, Day 88 (Infinity Infinity) on the Pilgrimage… A day of simple pleasures, riches beyond measure. Our one heart still sings from the rooftop where i carry you in my heart as we behold the beauty together with infinite love and infinite gratitude. My heart smiles with yours as we walk this spirit path… Aloha!

Named Sunset thursday 3-13-14 012


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 85 – March 11, 2014

Named Oregon Lan Su 2-26-14 Sun ReflectionSo many moments, beautiful moments of communion on the rainmaker path today and as the moon waxes, i wane in the ocean of being called to silently witness all the colors as they fade out into the dark mystery…

Named Rainbow 3-10-14 002Thank you, thank you, thank you, Rainmaker, for entering Stillness and bringing forth harmony…

Named Spiral++



Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 84 – March 10, 2014

Such a day of serendipity, surprising delights making my heart sing and then i get an urge to commune with the sun and when i look out my window, my heart smiles at what appears…Named Rainbow 3-10-14 003

Are you ready for some grace and beauty today?


Open to seeing arcing rainbows and sheltering trees?




rainbow arcing across sky promising golden path


canopy of trees sheltering all with outstretched arms


rainbow arcing across sky promising golden path

I AM THAT and so much more

canopy of trees sheltering all with outstretched arms

I AM all my relations


Are you ready for some grace and beauty today?


rainbow arcing across sky promising golden path

I AM all my relations

Named Rainbow 3-10-14 004

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 77 – March 3, 2014

Named Blue Star Portal

When journeying into the deep mystery of chaos,

heart serves as compass, dancing star serves as guide.

Presence, trust and surrender characterize the ethos,

courage thy constant companion on this wild and rollicking ride.


Heart serves as compass, dancing star serves as guide

into the darkness, the stillpoint of creation

courage thy constant companion on this wild and rollicking ride.

Now, breathe in what is from every direction…


Into the darkness, the stillpoint of creation,

wait for what rises out of the sea.

Now, breathe in what is from every direction

gifting the freedom to dance in beauty.


When journeying into the deep mystery of chaos,

heart serves as compass, dancing star serves as guide.

Wait for what rises out of the sea

gifting the freedom to dance in beauty.

Named dance+

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 75 – March 1, 2014

Named Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage Water Falling Jan 2014 010

On This Gray Day…

I AM River Beloved mirroring reflection

I AM moon crescent channeling glow

I AM Grandmother Gaia stirring creation

I AM heart open wide radiating flow


I AM moon crescent channeling glow

awakening the beings in the realms below

I AM heart open wide radiating flow

rippling love circles in a mesmerizing show


awakening the beings in the realms below

breathing in deeply the cosmic flow

rippling love circles in a mesmerizing show

transmuting gray into beautiful rainbow


I AM River Beloved mirroring reflection

I AM Grandmother Gaia stirring creation

breathing in deeply the cosmic flow

transmuting gray into beautiful rainbow

Meditation Rainbow

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 69 – February 23, 2014

Named N Flo Jo+

Nomad of the sea

being flowing beautyway

surrender to love


Rise up singing kissed by sun

river dancing always dreaming magic to come

gliding over stones, nothing impedes the flow

wind whispers softly to lean in and let all go.


river dancing always dreaming magic to come

earth giving thanks tuning into celestial hum

wind whispers softly to lean in and let all go

light shines brilliantly plugged into cosmic glow


earth giving thanks tuning into celestial hum

for the beautiful field of love that we have become

light shines brilliantly plugged into cosmic glow

trusting in the rhythm of eternal ebb and flow


Rise up singing kissed by sun

river dancing always dreaming magic to come

light shines brilliantly plugged into cosmic glow

trusting in the rhythm of eternal ebb and flow.

Named Kaua'i 2-10-2012

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Day 67 – February 21, 2014

Named Blue Star Vortex Dancing

Dancing among stars

free and easy wanderer

being great beyond


Letting go, surrendering all that is known

walking the way as a free and easy wanderer

open to what comes, eyes wide with wonder

flowing beautyway


Walking the way as a free and easy wanderer

wide open space, encircling path

flowing beautyway

whispering wisdom with each breath


Wide open space, encircling path

wanderer is bird flight soaring

whispering wisdom with each breath…

listen to the wind


Walking the way as a free and easy wanderer

open to what comes, eyes wide with wonder

listen to the wind

flowing beautyway

Named Walking Home 045+