equinox is a favorite day of mine and so belatedly i’ll post what i lived on this day of balance and celebration with a beautiful pilgrimage to a sacred valley with the energy of the goddess and the ancestors emanating such serenity and a sense of all is well in the core of the ocean of our interbeing…
equinox mission:
balance the opposites
transmuting either/or into both/and
celebrating unity’s harmony…
breathing in this moment of balance… being balance in this moment of eternity… reflecting yin/yang above/below, light/dark, spirit/matter as one… being one… creating a new vibration of integration… fusing all paths into one golden path dancing the way to the new world of harmony where we breathe in the rhythm of our one heart…
on the portal of equinox, we move deeper into the mystery of balancing the opposites in the seasonal call of harvesting ripened fields and planting new seeds, we pause in the moment of equal night and day experienced by all gaian inhabitants… on this holy day, may we reap an inner harvest and appreciate a cornucopia of blessings…may we be gratitude embodied for all that is…
O Gracious Goddess of the Feminine and of all Fertility, we sow and
reap the fruits of our actions….
grant us the courage to plant seeds of joy and love and peace in
the coming year… teach us and show us the secrets
of wise cosmic existence..,
O luminous one of the night!
blessed bee!