Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 268 – 9/10/2019

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every outbreath, an emptying… every inbreath, a re-membering…

such a conscious quest i’mon these last two years to do just that – to awaken every wild cell in this body cell of the one body we all are and what an adventure transmuting the lead into gold…

for the last nine days, i’ve been in intense purification feeling into the anniversary of 730 days or 104 weeks of the deepest, most conscious awakening initiation ever inspired by my ruptured fire eye exploding in pain on 9/11 and for the second time in a couple of years, i was offered an invitation to go deeper into insight as outer sight was being severely compromised… as with all calls to initiation, i did not feel i had it in me to make this pilgrimage, and, yet in surrendering to  limited outer sight, a rhythm of  synchronisiddhi, of meaningful co-incidence followed opening my broken heart to a heart broken wide open… holy synchronicity, in this deep pool of reflection, a re-membering flows by… today is also the sixth anniversary of the first outer poetic peace pilgrimage, a day when i connected with Sacajawea who vowed to guide me through the wilder-ness…

approaching the beginning of the third year of awakening, it’s so interesting to be in the midst of a third challenge of saving eyesight which is catapulting me into the most profound letting go amplified by the loss of so much history and by the walking of the camino going from outer to inner…

this awakening project we call life guided by the enspirited soul emphatically, magnetically pulls me home to be an instrument of peace, a hollow reed, a channel for source energy to pour love through…

so, on a day such as this, under the spell of the moon waxing full, may we let go of  the inessential and re-member what truly matters is who we are…

souls dressed up in loose garments dancing/singing light between  the worlds…