gaze deeply around and within reverencing the luminosity of sun, sol, soul…
yes, it’s astonishing light of being moment on the pilgrimage of radiance, the journey we are all walking together deeper and deeper into the inner sun, sol, soul where we re-member we are all related, we are one luminous vibration ever changing ever returning, falling apart and coming back together, dying and being reborn, always being love and always becoming love…
let’s tune into the frequency of luminosity by dropping into true reality – emptiness/openness/freedom where we are free to be rainbow mystery…
taking three deep cleansing breaths we drop into the stillpoint where we begin to hear and resound the cosmic hum… om freedom love home… om freedom love home… om freedom love home… in the inner sanctum, let us rejoice in and bless and welcome every cell of the one body, all our relatives welcome home…
we are created by divine light
we are sustained by divine light
we are protected by divine light
we are surrounded by divine light
we are ever growing into divine light
every cell of this my physical body is filled with divine light
in this moment, this beautiful moment, may we echo the peace prayer for the benefit of all… thank you for making us instruments of peace, sacred sites of nature, shining temples of luminosity, lighthouses of generosity shining brightly for all to see their way home… om freedom love home…thousandfold thanks…