Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 345 – 11/26/2017

Named Numina November 26 T'sgiving Re-TREAT Catalina 2017-11-26 024

today as we make a special pilgrimage across the vast ocean of peaceful being to the magical realm of avalon, i contemplate how this journey is the journey of life, of awakening to the magic and wonder waiting on the other side of the shore as you take one small step and another and another through the storms and darkness and travails of life until in a flash, the path of heart opens and the sun, that is always shining even when hidden by clouds, pops out in all its brilliance re-minding us, re-heartening us of the astonishing light of our being that is always and forever present…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 72 – 2/26/2017

Named Freely Flowing February 26 2017 Astonishing Light of Being 2-26-17 Dalai Lama Happiness

what a perfect image for our weekly installment of showing you the astonishing light of your being… yes, you, like his holiness, showing up as sunshine… yes, you showing up being love… yes, you, being harmonizing healer… thousandfold thanks for being an astonishing light of being… seeing the best in others, spreading lovingkindness virally…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 58 – 2/12/2017

Named Freely Flowing February 12 2017 Astonishing Light of Being 2-12-17 Hummingbird Spirit

“better to light a candle than curse the darkness”

for our weekly segment around showing you the astonishing light of being, i offer this picture of and blessing from the sacred spirit of rainbow mystery, sister of the cosmic hum in all her iridescence to remind us when we are in the dark, we can always come home to the inner light by breathing in through the heart… and while we’re on the subject of  the astonishing light of rainbows…

How the Rainbow Works

Mostly we occupy ocular zones, clinging
only to what we think we can see.
We can’t see wind or waves of thought,
electrical fields or atoms dancing;
only what they do or make us believe.

Look on all of life as color –
vibratile movement, heart-centered,
from invisibility to the merely visible.
Never mind what happens when one of us dies.
Where were you before you even get born?
Where am I and all the unseeable souls
we love at this moment, or loathed
before birth?  Where are we right now?

Everything that ever happened either
never did or always will with variations.
Let’s put it another way: Nothing ever
happened that wasn’t dreamed, that wasn’t
sketched from the start with artful surprises.
Think of the dreamer as God, a painter,
a ham, to be sure, but a divine old master
whose medium is light and who sidesteps
tedium by leaving room both inside and outside
this picture for subjects and scenery to wing it.

~ Al Young ~

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3/3 Years – Day 340/1070 – 11/20/2016


it’s time once again for our weekly picture that speaks a thousand words about the astonishing light of your being and i’m feeling this lotus blossom does just that… these flowers, when surrounded by fire or suffering or adversity become even more fragrant just as your light, your beauty awakens  in such moments and your compassionate heart shines through… thanks be that our inner light can never be extinguished no matter how dark the times may feel… so, gaze into this flower, breathe in the sweetness and connect even more deeply in this moment with the lotus lightness of being you are and evermore will be… deep bows…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3/3 Years – Day 312/1042 – 10/23/2016


here is a perfect image to show you the astonishing light of your own being… as you gaze on the light radiating from both of these lovely sunflowers, take a moment to put your hands on your heart saying, I AM basically good… I AM basically good… I AM basically good… relax even more deeply into basic goodness by moving your hands to your belly and breathing this in again and again…

and now, let’s anchor this feeling of the light of love we are with the intention of being compassion and lovingkindness with all our relations beginning with ourselves as we bring up an image of the innocent child alive in us and as breath breathes us, bless all that is with happiness and safety and health and ease…

re-member there’s only one of us here… a streaming wave of luminous, phosphorescent flotsam drifting on an invisible dark sea, an unfolding dance of rainbow mystery always being love, always becoming love…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 284/1014 – 9/25/2016


it’s the moment for the next installation of I wish I could show you the astonishing light of your beingOnce again, it’s an honor to celebrate you of the visionary spirit, you who shares so generously the energy of the grandmothers, the wisdom of our one heart… I am so inspired by your activism, both inner and outer, mirroring that of the thirteen grandmothers, of the first peoples, of all our relations as we each take one more step, one more breath on the pathless path, deeper and deeper into the unknown on a wing and a prayer grounded in trusting pachamama…

heart to heart, always together…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3 – Day 277/1007 – 9/18/2016


it’s the moment for the next installation of I wish I could show you the astonishing light of your being… today, this brilliant sun so perfectly mirrors the light of your being… it is an honor to celebrate you and how your steady inner light burning so bright rekindles my flame and shows me the way home in the dark…

infinite love and gratitude, dear co-hearts of the one heart…

shine on and on and on and on…