Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 3/3 Years – Day 326/1056 – 11/6/2016


for today’s image that says a thousand words about showing you the lightness of your being, i want to spotlight a ceremony, the rite of the womb, and those who share it and those who hold space for it…

this ceremony comes from a lineage of women going back to the beginning of time who freed themselves from suffering and want this liberation for us all…. we are all to re-member:

the womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life…

all means all, this rite is for all for we are all connected to the cosmic womb, the deep earth of pachamama and we are all born of a mother’s womb and we all have an energetic womb, our creative center at the 0 point, the stillpoint of creation…

so many of us hold such pain and fear and terror and anger here which is why we re-member:

the womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life…

we nurture this rite and life by saying…

I release my fear so I may embrace freedom
I release my pain so I may embrace joy
I release my anger so I may embrace compassion
I release my sadness so I may embrace peace

such a beautifully simple way for us all to lighten up, to shine, to deepen into luminosity…