on awakening today to the return of light, i savor standing still with the sun for another day, resting in another eternal moment of softening, surrendering to love, shedding outgrown skins, letting go into the flow of grace, re-membering my many times daily mantra of the past 52 (the number being of stillness) moons…
“To be whole, let yourself break.
To be straight, let yourself bend.
To be full, let yourself be empty.
To be new, let yourself wear out.
To have everything, give everything up.
Knowing others is a kind of knowledge;
knowing yourself is wisdom.
Conquering others requires strength;
conquering yourself is true power. “
Lao Tzu
yes, today is a day of celebrating the astonishing light of our being by celebrating grace by letting go, dropping into simplicity, tuning into the cosmic hum, listening to great silence singing us home, welcoming us to the star within, star of onederfield, heaven on earth… sacred space of radiant re-birth… breathing in and breathing out, we ride the wave of rainbow light through the night to our home, this moment of de-light…