Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 4 – Day 135 Days – 4/30/2017

Named Awakened April 30 Astonishing Light of Being 4-30-17 Tree of Abundance Kaua'i 11-26-14 006

what a beautiful synchronicity… this day, the last day of awakened april, walpurgis eve, the day we bless the space between us as we close the circle on another moon or month of turning around the sun is also the day of sharing an image that shows the astonishing light of being and what better image than this quintessential tree of abundance to transmit who you are…

let us all take a moment, a beautiful moment to bless this space we share… this deep space of awakening the fire as the sun shone through aries moving into grounding profoundly in the core of our being, dropping down into the rich nurturing earth of taurus…

this space of listening deeply as great mystery hums our soul song through us and we echo it to each other… to return, return, return to love by opening our one heart to divine flow’s breathing us, dreaming us,  singing us, praying us, dancing us, comforting us, supporting us, freeing us, animating us, blessing us, consecrating us in this moment, this beautiful moment, in every moment, every beautiful moment…

may we dance rainbow mystery devotedly

may we be more loving than ever before for the well being of all

may we be more compassionate than ever before for the well being of all

may we be more harmonious than ever before for the well being of all

with every breath, may we all be liberated

with every step, may we all come home to true refuge dwelling in our one heart


namaste, beloveds…