“Remember the clear light, The pure clear white light From which everything in the universe comes, To which everything in the universe returns; The original nature of your own mind. The natural state of the universe unmanifest. Let go into the clear light, trust it, merge with it. It is your own true nature, it is home.”
~ The Tibetan Book Of The Dead ~
tonight. i so need to tune into the clear light in these moments of feeling a storm rushing in uprooting and overturning the lives of our relatives… with the death and destruction toll rising astronomically in Syria and Turkey, my heart, our one cosmic heart breaks and opens us to re-membering all the disasters, injustices, losses bringing so much suffering to our world…
in these moments, can we have too many reminders of all the lovingkindness and compassion activated and activating on the planet? in truth, every moment when we tune into the pure light and take heart, take courage, there is more and more compassion flowing throughout the cosmos…
welcome to day 9 of a season of peace, a day of hearing the cries of the world rising in frequency and intensity, a day of feeling the quickening of collective birth pangs, a day of gathering with midwives to co-llaborate on empowering space for encouraging strength to take one more step, to be peacemakers in a world torn asunder, to do what we can to hold the frequency of equanimity and lovingkindness and act from a place of love, the energy holding the universe together…
and, so, i turn now to kuan yin, goddess of compassion, protector of women, children, sailors, fishermen, anyone in trouble, and the sick, disabled, and poor… she who walks the boddhisattva path foregoing enlightenment until all sentient beings are liberated and free from suffering…
according to legend, kwan yin tried so strenuously to alleviate the suffering of all beings that her head split into eleven pieces… buddha awarded her eleven heads with which to hear the cries of the world and when she heard all the cries and reached out to address the needs of so many, her two arms shattered… now, buddha gives her a thousand arms to offer her compassion to all…
may our one heart remain always open being lovingkindness to all and may we all reside in the peace passing all understanding real-eye-sing in these moments of crisis, we have the opportunity to dive deeply into the ocean of being’s inner channel imagining the world of peace, a world within our reach where we no longer squander our energies on blowing up the world; rather, we direct all our energies into mutual aid understanding there is only one of us here, we all belong to each other and well-being for all ensures well-being for each one…
shanti, shanti, shantihi…