welcome, well come to day 58 of a season of peace, another day of being invited to leap into the void of oceanic being trusting in the soul to know the way along the pathless path merging us into cosmic union…
wondering if you too are hearing a call for a sacred pause in the midst of the outer turbulence and if so, how is this pause going for you? i’m re-membering how as a wee child, i was instructed in the wisdom of pausing when things are getting overwhelming… years later i would hear of the wisdom of incorporating this practice of pausing throughout the day according to our ultradian healing rhythm cycling throughout our body every ninety minutes or so… honoring this cycle sustains the natural healing program of our body temples and entrains the new rhythm we are all called to dance…
so, right now, in this moment of eternity, let’s tune in together to the transformational frequency of loving presence and experience one of the most important actions we can do this moment, this day, this life…
Rest in the Gap
Slow Down
Witness the Beauty
Offer Thanksgiving
Bless this Space
on our collective sojourn of pause, may we each be present in a deeper waytrusting more profoundly whilstlistening to the whispers from our one heartcalling us to align with cosmic wisdomandflow in beauty being the soul of the space wherever we are…
welcome, welcome to day 58 of a season of peace, a day of a quaternity of riches as it’s the first full day of passover when we can all tune into the journey of exodus, leaving behind our slavery consciousness for one of liberation and it’s palm sunday when jesus triumphantly entered the city of peace on the humble donkey who symbolizes peace and made a clear statement that jesus aligned with the power of love and the anawim, the voices of the unheard in contradistinction to the love of power and the voice of empire and domination and it’s the day we celebrate the astonishing light of being which is visibly present in the vast skysea with the full moon in libra rising in close alignment to where the sun rose at equinox initiating this moon to act as a reflector and transmitter to illuminate yet again the equinox mysteries and amplifying the energy of the sacred marriage / cosmic egg activated by the serpent of fire for the integration of the masculine and feminine, seen and unseen, above and below, within and without when we honor the energetics of divine union / death / re-birth and resurrection…
so let’s journey together into inner space with all our relations giving thanks… we are a circle of power conjoined in our intent to be love, peace, joy, harmony and balance under the glow of the libra full moon as we travel within and without our ever expanding cosmos… we are feeling the power of luna and how she amplifies our frequency… we greet and welcome the directions, elementals and all our helping spirits… looking out, we see vast ocean and hear the rolling waves coming in and out like our breath… as we gaze at beautiful sky, sister moon bathes us in silvery, shimmering light…
we breathe in invisible realms as we walk out into the forest primeval and our soles tenderly kiss the earth with each and every step… when we arrive at a great clearing with a radiant fire in the center, we thank the spirits for this sacred space and see our guardian spirit approaching to cleanse us with herbs and a feather… with this clean-sing, we are unburdened and walk over to the fire where we pick up a prayer blessing from the earth and resonate deeply with its hidden message… we look to the moon and feel her great creative power washing through us, filling us with a dream of and for the cosmos…
as the moon opens our one heart, we, in turn, open to her creative fire and blow onto our prayer blessing amplifying its intention and then offering it to the fire in the center of the circle where we see all our prayers burning as one eternal flame… now, we all stand wide and deep with our arms outstretched as five pointed stars bridging earth and sky and ask sistar moon for how to best flow with the river of life… we close the circle with giving thanks to the night star of magnetic tides, the one who flows in us as the rhythm of waves waxing and waning eternally and with this poem of Hafiz…
“The Moon is most happy When it is full.
And the Sun always looks Like a perfectly minted gold coin That was just polished and placed in flight By God’s playful kiss.
And so many varieties of fruit Hang plump and round From the branches that seem like a sculptor’s hands.
I see the beautiful curve of a pregnant belly Shaped by a soul within, And the Earth itself, And the planets and the spheres – I have gotten the hint: There’s something about circles The Beloved likes.
Hafiz, Within the circle of a perfect One There is an infinite community of Light.”
welcome, welcome to day 58 of a season of peace, a day of leaping into the void of oceanic being trusting in the soul to know the way along the pathless path…
wondering how this pause of initiation is going for you and re-membering how as a wee child, i was instructed in the wisdom of pausing when things are getting overwhelming… years later i would hear of the wisdom of incorporating this practice of pausing throughout the day according to our ultradian healing rhythm cycling throughout our body every ninety minutes or so… honoring this cycle sustains the natural healing program of our body temples and entrains the new rhythm we are all called to dance…
so, right now, in this moment, let’s tune in together to the transformational frequency of loving presence and experience one of the most important actions we can do this moment, this day, this life…
Rest in the Gap
Slow Down
Witness the Beauty
Bless this Space
on our collective sojourn of pause, may we each be present in a deeper waytrusting more profoundly whilstlistening to the whispers from our one heartcalling us to align with cosmic wisdomandflow in beauty being the soul of the space wherever we are…
welcome, welcome to day 58 of a season of peace, this day of mercury going direct although i’m not feeling it yet, a day calling for patience…
take heart, pilgrim!
you were born for this:
to leap into the void and wonder how to sprout wings and fly…
as i write tonight, i am tender so i shall let Pema’s words on the deepening interior journey we are all traversing speak for me…
On the journey of the bodhisattva, the path goes down, not up, as if the mountain pointed toward the earth instead of the sky. Instead of transcending the suffering of all creatures, we move toward turbulence and doubt however we can. We explore the reality and unpredictability of insecurity and pain, and we try not to push it away. If it takes years, if it takes lifetimes, we let it be as it is. At our own pace, without speed or aggression, we move down and down and down. With us move millions of others, our companions in awakening from fear. At the bottom we discover water, the healing water of bodhichitta. Bodhichitta is our heart—our wounded, softened heart. Right down there in the thick of things, we discover the love that will not die. This love is bodhichitta. It is gentle and warm; it is clear and sharp; it is open and spacious. The awakened heart of bodhichitta is the basic goodness of all beings.